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Executive Director Office Websites
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  • Man
    Peter Andrew Wisner
    Senior Advisor to the Executive Director
    +1 (202) 458-5333

    ECA, CoW, Steering, COGAM (lead) Evolution (lead), IBRD, CRO, GPPs, Shareholder Review, Capital Package Implementation, FSF/Crisis Buffer, Graduation Policy, FCV (share), World Bank/International Monetary Funds (IMF) Coordination, Debt/DSA & MPA, Instruments: PforR/DPO/MPA, Budget support, CSOs/Citizen Engagement, Access to Information Policy, Accountability oversight, Government Accountability Office (GAO) Engagement (share)

  • Advisor to EDS01
    Lily Sebsibe Beshawred
    Advisor to the Executive Director
    +1 (202) 458-1549

    Africa (Western 1 and 2), SAR, Regional, CODE (IEG & Results Outcomes), USAID Trust Funds IEG, Results and Development Outcomes, FCV (share), HCI (share), Health and Education (share), Maternal Health and Infant Nutrition, Power Africa, Small States (share), USAID/World Bank Collaboration, Gender/SOGI (incl We-FI) (share), Financial Inclusion

  • Theodore Ho
    Theodore Lawrence Ho
    Advisor to the Executive Director
    +1 (202) 458-0114

    ECA, LAC, MENA, Regional, Audit (INT/GIA) (share), ICSID, Health and Education (share), HCI (share), Host Country Issues (e.g., Visas/legal status, travel restrictions), Governance and Anti-Corruption (GAC), Religious Freedom and Inclusion, Small States (share), State Dept/World Bank Collaboration, Trafficking in Persons (TIP), UN & SDGs, Weekly, Commerce backup

  • Niru Pradhan-Caldwell
    Nirupama "Niru" Pradhan
    Advisor to the Executive Director
    +1 (202) 473-2742

    EAP, Regional, World, HR (lead), Budget (lead), COGAM (Board Budget), Audit (WB/IBRD), Evolution (PCM/DRM), Internal Justice, Trust Funds, Budget, HR Policies, Digitalization, ICT, Cyber, Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM) (incl tax elements), Private Capital Mobilization (PCM), Trust Fund Reform (share), Infrastructure, Knowledge, WB Enterprise Risk (e.g. DOR)

  • Ruchira Srinivasakrishnan
    Ruchira Srinivasakrishnan
    Advisor to the Executive Director
    +1 (202) 473-8715

    Africa Eastern, MENA, SAR, Regional, CODE (CAO, IP, GRS) (lead), Evolution (IDA), IDA, CAO, Inspection Panel GRS, GCFF, Accountability Mechanisms/Policies, Corporate Scorecards (share), Debt (HIPC, MDRI, NCBP/SDFP), FCV (share), GBV, Gender/SOGI (incl WE-FI) (share), IBRD/IDA Environmental & Social Safeguards (incl labor), IDA/Private Sector Window (PSW) (share), Jobs and Economic Transformation (JET) agenda (share), Refugees

  • The World Bank
    Danica Rachele Starks
    Advisor to the Executive Director - U.S. Commerce Business Liaison
    +1 (202) 458-2180

    ICT (technology), WB Procurement, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Commerce Department/World Bank Collaboration, Government Accountability Office (GAO) Engagement (share)

  • Man
    Nicholas Strychacz
    Advisor to the Executive Director
    +1 (202) 458-0120

    Africa (Central), ECA (Central Asia), SAR, Regional, Evolution (climate), GCF, GEF/CIF, GAFSP, DEC/Chief Economist, B-Ready, Climate/Environment/Energy, Corporate Scorecards (share), Flagship Reports (WDRs, GEPs, Doing Business), Food Security

  • Sean Suter
    Sean Suter
    Advisor to the Executive Director
    +1 (202) 458-8049

    AFR West-1, AFR Southern, LAC, Regional, Audit (lead), IFC/MIGA, Audit (INT/GIA) (share), Evolution (IFC/MIGA), IFC safeguards, Private Sector-led Development, IDA/Private Sector Window (PSW) (share), SME Finance, IFC - labor issues, Solar forced labor issue, Financing for Development (FFD), Jobs and Economic Transformation (JET) agenda (share)

  • The World Bank
    Anna Marie Croom
    Program Assistant
  • The World Bank
    Maria Victoria Ferrari
    Senior Executive Assistant
  • Georgia Christou
    Georgia Christou
    Program Assistant