The Integrity Vice Presidency (INT) is an independent unit within the World Bank that investigates and pursues sanctions related to allegations of fraud and corruption in World Bank-financed projects. INT supports the main business units of the World Bank and external stakeholders, mitigating fraud and corruption risks through sharing investigative findings, advice, prevention and outreach efforts. INT reports directly to the President of the World Bank institutions and is under the oversight of the Audit Committee of the Executive Board.
Watch the opening sessions of the ICHA 2023 Forum, live from Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. The livestream begins on June 14, 2023, at 9:00 am GMT (5:00 am EDT).
These reports provide the redacted findings of INT administrative inquiries into allegations of corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, and/or coercive practices in relation to WBG-supported activities.

Frequently Asked Questions
The firms and individuals listed are ineligible to be awarded a World Bank-financed contract for the periods indicated because they have been sanctioned under the Bank's fraud and corruption policy.
When World Bank Group project funding is not used for its intended purpose, it hurts the poorest and most vulnerable people. This report documents how the sanctions system—the Integrity Vice Presidency, the Office of Suspension and Debarment, and the Sanctions Board and its Secretariat—worked to help ensure that funds were used as intended.
There are multiple warning signs that can help identify the risk of fraud, corruption, collusion or coercion in procurement. This brochure, Warning Signs of Fraud and Corruption in Procurement, elaborates on these warning signs, which, if spotted, might be cause for concern in a World Bank funded project.