The ICP publishes data for national accounts expenditure components below the GDP level. ICP 2017 and revised ICP 2011 data are available for 44 expenditure components (Table 1). For each expenditure component the ICP publishes 14 indicators (Table 2) as well as the market exchange rate and population for each economy. Further details on the ICP classification of national accounts expenditures are available online and the ICP database provides metadata for each expenditure component and indicator.
Table 1. ICP expenditure components

a: Non-hierarchical expenditure components in pink reflect a combination of hierarchical components, computed to facilitate wider analyses. See footnotes below.
b: “Actual” expenditure components in italics reflect the sum of household consumption expenditure and expenditures by nonprofit institutions servinghouseholds (NPISHs) and government on goods and services (within the given category) actually consumed by households.
c: Households and nonprofit institutions serving households (NPISHs) final consumption expenditure is the total value of actual and imputed final consumption expenditures incurred by households and NPISHs on individual goods and services. It also includes expenditures on individual goods and services sold at prices that are not economically significant.
d: Individual consumption expenditure by households without housing is the total value of actual and imputed final consumption expenditures incurred by households and NPISHs on individual goods and services, without housing related expenditures. It also includes expenditures on individual goods and services sold at prices that are not economically significant.
e: General government final consumption expenditure is the total value of actual and imputed final consumption expenditures incurred by government on individual goods and services and final consumption expenditure of government on collective services.
f: Domestic absorption is actual individual consumption at purchasers’ prices plus collective consumption expenditure by government at purchasers’ prices plus gross capital formation at purchasers’ prices.
Table 2. ICP indicators