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BRIEF January 13, 2021

TFSP News and Views

The Trade Facilitation Support Program (TFSP) was launched in June 2014 to assist developing countries in aligning their trade practices with the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement (WTO TFA).


July 19, 2024: How a new trade information portal is empowering Timor-Leste’s entrepreneurs

June 28, 2024: Developing countries need more support to navigate growing turbulence in global trade

October 30, 2023: How a digital platform for ports speeds delivery of goods to your local shopping mall

October 25, 2023: Fiji is digitalizing trade processes, helping firms expand in new markets and hire more workers

July 5, 2023: Toppling the barriers to Indian women’s participation in trade

June 30, 2023: Timor-Leste moves toward WTO membership with new biosecurity legislation

June 7, 2023: Tajikistan: Empowering women in cross-border trade

May 3, 2023: Timor-Leste sets its sights on regional and global trade integration

May 10, 2023: Digital certification makes cocoa traders in Côte d'Ivoire more competitive

April 28, 2023: Helping Lao businesses trade — the Authorized Economic Operator Program

August 6, 2022: Public-private collaboration facilitates the import of vaccines in Tonga

June 22, 2022: Lao PDR Trade Portal: Ten years old and growing strong

June 1, 2022: Time release studies: Making trade faster and more predictable in Europe and Central Asia

May 3, 2022: Helping women entrepreneurs break into global markets by overcoming challenges at the border

November 2, 2021: Trade facilitation: Critical to COVID-19 recovery

November 8, 2021: Managing organizational performance in Customs during a crisis period

November 4, 2019: Ending the invisibility of women traders

August 21, 2019: ePhyto: Promoting safe and efficient trade

June 18, 2019: Tracking the performance of trade facilitation reforms: What difference does a day make?

June 3, 2019: What’s it like for women to trade across borders?

January 30, 2019: Leave your hammocks at home: How a customs union between Guatemala and Honduras cut trade times from 10 hours to 15 minutes

July 24, 2018: Bringing Sri Lanka's traders one step closer to the global market

June 5, 2018: Can Blockchain Revolutionize Trade?

April 2, 2018: Customs Union between Guatemala and Honduras, from 10 hours to 15 minutes!

July 12, 2017: Lowering Trade Costs through Transparency: the Importance of Trade Information Portals

July 13, 2017: WTO TFA implementation: Learning from early results

July 10, 2017: Five actions that matter to the future of Aid for Trade

October 5, 2017: Coordination, Collaboration and Connectivity for Better Border Management

October 9, 2017: Trade facilitation reform in Sri Lanka can drive a change in culture

February 22, 2017: Now that the Trade Facilitation Agreement has entered into force...

June 24, 2015: Supporting the implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement


Feature Stories

April 28, 2023: Helping Lao businesses trade — the Authorized Economic Operator Program

April 1, 2023: Bananas and Blight – An Illustration In The Complexity of Global Trade

March 8, 2023: Transforming Economic Opportunities for Women Through Trade

January 30, 2023: How Innovation is Revolutionizing Global Trade

September 21, 2022: Supporting Safe Trade to Improve Nepal's Export Position

June 22, 2022: New Clearance Procedures Save Time at North Macedonia Border

August 5, 2021: Digital Trade Can Help North Macedonia Build Back Better Post-COVID-19

July 9, 2021: Montenegro Cuts Import Clearance Time: 8 Hours to 30 Minutes

February 25, 2021: Trade Facilitation Challenges for Women Traders in the Pacific Islands and Timor-Leste

August 28, 2020: Keeping Business Flowing in Serbia Amid COVID-19

April 23, 2020: In Ethiopia, Electronic Single Window Cuts Costs and Time to Trade

November 1, 2019: Simplifying Trade Energizes Businesses in Kosovo

July 18, 2019: Sierra Leone: Trade facilitation improvements are starting to bear fruit

May 16, 2019: Jamaica: Pioneering trade facilitation improvements in the Caribbean

March 28, 2019: Getting the balance right: Minimizing food safety risks and facilitating trade in North Macedonia

June 11, 2018: A New Way of Managing Risk for Customs in Montenegro: 80% Reduction in the Inspection of Excise Goods


March 4, 2024: Unlocking Trade for Women: Trade Facilitation and Gender Surveys

December 11, 2023: Guideline on risk management systems for food safety organizations

March 8, 2022: Brazil: Understanding trade facilitation barriers for women

February 25, 2021: Trade Facilitation Challenges for Women Traders in the Pacific Islands and Timor-Leste
Regional | Fiji | Papua New Guinea | Samoa | Timor-Leste | Vanuatu

November 10, 2020: Risk Prioritization in Phytosanitary Management: A Step-by-Step Guide

January 15, 2020: Fiji: Trade Facilitation Challenges for Women Traders and Freight Forwarders

July 2019: Aid for Trade at a Glance 2019 — The Critical Role of Trade Facilitation in Supporting Economic Diversification and Structural Reforms (World Bank Group: Chapter 6)

April 24, 2019: Reducing Bottlenecks and Facilitating Trade in Zambia


August 14, 2024: Streamlining Trade, Boosting Access to Markets

April 11, 2024: Empowering Trade, Empowering Timor-Leste

October 19, 2023: How is Fiji getting one step closer to automated trade?

October 31, 2022: Single Window: A Path to Paperless Trade

February 25, 2021: Unlocking Trade for Women in the Pacific

June 22, 2020: Managing Risk and Facilitating Trade During the COVID-19

June 27, 2019: 360 Video: Making trade faster, cheaper and easier in Sierra Leone

February 6, 2019: 360 Video: Trading Across Borders in Guatemala and Honduras

November 9, 2017: The Trade Facilitation Support Program: Hear from our partners

July 17, 2017: The Trade Facilitation Agreement: Increasing Trade, Boosting Investment

July 17, 2017: Driving Jobs & Global Income Through Trade Facilitation

November 17, 2016: Facilitating Trade Across Borders


Trade Tips Podcast

June 1, 2023: What Caribbean Rum Cake Teaches us About Trade

May 1, 2023: A (Digital) Window to the World of Trade

April 1, 2023: Bananas & Blight

March 1, 2022: Invisible Women

February 15, 2022: The Climate Conundrum

January 30, 2022: Around the World of Trade

January 15, 2022: Trade Tips Podcast: What You Can Expect