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Global Tax Program

Knowledge Note December 1, 2023

Gender Equality & Tax Knowledge Note 2: Building Gender Equality Objectives in Tax and Customs Administrations

The Integrating Gender Equality into Tax Reform project team of the Global Tax Program recently produced a Knowledge Note on Building Gender Equality Objectives in Tax and Customs Administration”. This Knowledge Note provides a broad overview of issues in building gender equality in tax and customs administration reforms, which is a key step in achieving equitable domestic revenue mobilization. It suggests entry points to support gender equality in tax and customs administrations reforms and improve the gender balance within the workforce.

Knowledge Note December 1, 2023

Gender Equality & Tax Knowledge Note 1: Tax-based Support for Childcare

The Integrating Gender Equality into Tax Reform project team of the Global Tax Program recently published a Knowledge Note on Tax-based Support for Childcare. The Note offers key messages on policy initiatives for improving childcare accessibility and affordability by focusing on tax-based support for childcare. It reviews the policy options and their implications, benefits, and considerations by drawing on international experiences to provide insights for developing countries.

Report December 12, 2023

GTP Annual Progress Report 2023

The GTP FY23 Annual Progress Report provides an update on the progress of the activities undertaken by the Global Tax Umbrella Program (GTP Umbrella) during the period of July 2022 – June 2023. In this reporting period, the DRM Pillar executed a total of US$ 17.7 million and project teams provided technical assistance to 83 countries. By June 30, 2023, the GTP DRM Pillar portfolio included 67 activities (including closed activities) in 104 countries. Over 87 percent of the GTP DRM portfolio is channeled to support country-level activities, of which 71 percent were directed to countries that are International Development Association (IDA)-eligible and 37 percent to Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations (FCS).

Policy Research Working Paper May 31, 2023

Measuring Tax Progressivity in Low-Income Countries

This paper examines and assesses the potential approaches that may be adopted to measure the progressivity of tax systems, and proposes a set of metrics to assess tax progressivity in low-income International Development Association (IDA) countries

Report June 2, 2023

Strengthening Personal Income Taxation in Senegal - Case Study (English)

This project uses new administrative tax data to describe the current state of the personal income tax (PIT) in Senegal discusses ways in which it can be improved.

Policy Research Working Paper June 15, 2023

How Do Agricultural Import Tariffs Affect Men and Women Smallholders? Evidence from Bangladesh

Using newly available customs data from Bangladesh, along with additional administrative and survey data, this study examines how variation in import tariffs on key agricultural inputs affects men’s and women’s agricultural employment and production—given a high degree of segmentation among men and women in different agricultural activities.



Tools and Frameworks
