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GovTech: Putting People First


Public Service Delivery


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    Service Upgrade: The GovTech Approach to Citizen Centered Services

    This report presents a four-stage framework and practical step by step guidance to clients and task teams looking to modernize administrative services. The guidebook focuses on improving citizen centricity, quality, efficiency and reach of e-services.  It includes advice on how citizen centricity can be incorporated into the modernization process, and highlights challenges governments may face in each stage. It includes a variety of country examples to illustrate good practices and current trends in service design and delivery.

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    Achieving Integrated G2B Service Delivery: A Planning Guide for Reformers

    A main objective of this note is to provide a planning framework that governments can use to comprehensively address the key institutional, governance, financial, and technology issues involved in ISD initiatives. It draws on the experience of several countries that have implemented ISD solutions, and it aims to provide World Bank staff and client governments with a practical understanding of the concepts behind integrated service delivery and the reforms and investments required to implement it.

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    A note on Recent Developments and Key Considerations Impacting the Operations of One-Stop Shops for Citizens: A Summary of Major Trends and a Design Guide for Citizen Service Centers

    Countries across the globe are establishing new and improving existing citizen service centers (CSCs) to better serve their citizens. This note provides an overview of recent developments impacting CSC operations as well as a CSC design guide meant to summarize essential issues that managers looking to establish CSCs may wish to consider

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    A Human Rights-Based Assessment Tool for Citizen Service Centers: Moving Toward a Rights-Based Approach in Design, Strategy, and Implementation

    This note provides practical advice on how to adopt a human rights-based assessment for the design, strategy, and implementation of service delivery by citizen service centers. Designed for World Bank teams conducting preliminary assessments, the tool presented here can also be useful to clients such as citizen service center managers to deepen their understanding of the value of a human rightsbased assessment and to improve the quality, accessibility, and effectiveness of service delivery

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    Leveraging Surveys for Service Delivery

    Recent work has highlighted the importance of understanding and actively engaging within the local context of governance and service delivery challenges to actually improve services to the poor. A number of tools have been used to help assess local governance and service delivery challenges, monitor local performance, and build citizen-government-service provider connectivity.