Public Notice of Attempts to Locate Certain Firms and Individuals
The World Bank is attempting to locate the firms and individuals listed below.
More information, as well as copies of the relevant notices, can be obtained by contacting the Bank’s Chief Suspension and Debarment Officer (“SDO”) by mail, telephone, email or fax to provide the necessary address particulars to permit a successful delivery. The contact information for the SDO is as follows:
Mr. Jamieson Andrew Smith
Chief Suspension and Debarment Officer
Office of Suspension and Debarment (OSD)
1818 H Street, N.W., MSN G 5-502
Washington, D.C. 20433
Tel: +1-202-458-1944
The name of each firm and individual listed below is posted for the thirty-day period specified, with delivery of the relevant notice deemed to occur on the last day of this posting period, unless the relevant notice is successfully delivered to the firm or individual prior to the last day of this thirty-day posting period, in which case the delivery date shall be deemed the date of such successful delivery.
For more information, see the Rules on Delivery and Submission of Notices and Other Materials in World Bank Sanctions Proceedings and the World Bank Sanctions Procedures.