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The Nordic and Baltic countries are currently represented at the Executive Board by Sigrún Rawet, Executive Director (ED). In this capacity, she engages in direct consultations and negotiations with other Executive Directors and World Bank Group Management in setting the institution’s strategy and policy priorities.

The ED represents the constituency when considering and deciding on IBRD loan and guarantee proposals and IDA credit, grant and guarantee proposals made by the President, and it decides on policies that guide the Bank's general operations. The ED is also responsible for presenting to the Board of Governors, at the Annual Meetings, an audit of accounts, an administrative budget, and an annual report on the Bank's operations and policies as well as other matters. 

The Nordic-Baltic ED is a member of the Audit Committee (AC) and the Committee of Development Effectiveness (CODE). The Audit Committee (AC) was established in 1994. The Committee's Terms of Reference was most recently revised in 2020. The AC is appointed by the Boards for the primary purpose of assisting the Boards in overseeing the WBG’s finances, accounting, risk management, internal controls and institutional integrity.  The Committee of Development Effectiveness (CODE) was established in 1994. Its Terms of Reference was most recently revised in 2009. The main areas of CODE’s work relate to thematic/sector strategies and operational policies, development research and knowledge management, and institutional effectiveness issues. 

The ED is assisted in the Nordic-Baltic Office (NBO), by an Alternate ED, two Senior Advisors, five Advisors, an Executive Assistant and a Research Assistant.


  • Sigrún Rawet

    Executive Director: EDS20