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BRIEF April 21, 2023

Ocean Governance Capacity Building Training Program

  • The World Bank, with the support of PROBLUE, and in partnership with the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations (DOALOS), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Seabed Authority, the Melbourne Law School, and the Center for Maritime and Oceanic Law at the University of Nantes, has developed a set of tools and region-specific trainings to increase knowledge about ocean governance, treaties, and their implementation in national legal frameworks. The Oceans Governance Capacity Building Program is centered on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and related instruments addressing fisheries, marine pollution, conservation and biodiversity, climate change, maritime transport and shipping, marine scientific research, and activities in the Area, among other topics. By raising the level of understanding on the various international conventions that govern the oceans, this work aims to support the development of sustainable blue economies.

  • The Environment and International Law Practice Group of the World Bank with funding from PROBLUE, runs the Ocean Governance Capacity Training Program in partnership with:

  • Regional workshops on international legal frameworks for ocean governance are held with the objective of strengthening implementation at the national level and combatting growing threats to the marine ecosystem. The regional workshops are open to government officials, staff of partner institutions, and representatives from civil society and the private sector working directly on ocean governance issues.

    The workshops are free, and interested stakeholders are invited to submit an application based on calls for application. 

    Workshop curriculum


    May 2024 - Ocean Governance Capacity Building Training Program Online Workshop for the Latin America and the Caribbean region

    We are no longer accepting applications for this workshop.

    Date: May 6-23, 2024 in English and Spanish



    Fall 2023, Indian Ocean Region: The workshop in Fall 2023 brought together 103 participants from 22 countries. The training was delivered in English and French.

    Spring 2021, Pacific: The workshop in Spring 2021 brought together 47 participants from 16 countries. 

    Fall 2021, Africa: The workshop brought together 87 participants from 28 countries. The training was delivered in English and French.


    Testimonials from our alumni

    “One of the best trainings I’ve ever attended. The quality of the trainers and materials."

    "I have never understood the issues as well as I understand them now.”

    “When I signed up, I thought this would be a light course. But it was not. This is school!”


    To learn more about and apply to these workshops, please check this page for updates or contact

  • Self-paced e-learning course

    This e-learning course is free and available online to all on the WBG’s Open Learning Campus.

    It provides an introduction to global ocean governance, including a primer on public international law related to the oceans and the international legal framework for the blue economy. The course is centered on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and related instruments addressing fisheries, marine pollution, conservation and biodiversity, climate change, maritime transport and shipping, marine scientific research, and activities in the Area, among other topics.

    The course includes:

    •10 core modules

    •9 elective modules

    Core and elective modules are available in English and French and will be published in Spanish in early 2024.

    Electives A

    Electives B

    Disclaimer: This e-learning course is the result of collaboration between the World Bank, the University of Melbourne Law School, the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations, the International Seabed Authority, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and the Center for Maritime and Oceanic Law at the University of Nantes (the Partners).

    The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of Partners, including those of: the World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors or the governments they represent; the United Nations or its Member States; the International Seabed Authority or its Members.

    The Partners do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or currency of the data included in this work and do not assume responsibility for any errors, omissions, or discrepancies in the information, or liability with respect to the use of or failure to use the information, methods, processes, or conclusions set forth. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of the Partners concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.



    Ocean Governance Summaries 

    Ocean Governance Summaries book cover blue with school of fish photo
    Summaries of relevant international legal agreements on oceans, trade, fisheries, pollution and conservation, such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and others.



    International Law Aspects of Sea Level Rise

    International Law Aspects

    This report assesses how States could safeguard their existing territorial rights and marine resources under international law when dealing with rising seas and land loss as well as questions relating to statehood, human mobility, and international cooperation. The report builds on a previous World Bank publication from June 2021, "Legal Dimensions of Sea Level Rise: Pacific Perspectives", but focuses on global perspectives by linking scientific data with the latest legal thinking.

    Implementing International Law: Capacity-Building, Coordination and Control

    This article focuses on capacity-building, technical assistance and training, and includes the author’s experience with collaborative training initiatives in ocean governance, to which United Nations agencies, the World Bank and academic partners contribute. The article describes the high stakes of integrative initiatives, the outreach by international organisations and the interaction between regimes. It seeks to account for collaborative capacity-building activities and the adaptive role of participants within the system of international law.

    Strengthening Capacity in Ocean Governance

    This article describes collaborative training initiatives in ocean governance in the Asia-Pacific, to which UN agencies, the World Bank and academic partners contribute. It seeks to account for these activities according to the precepts of regime interaction and the duty to cooperate in international law, and demonstrates the importance of an inclusive approach to learning and capacity-building in ocean governance.




  • Managing the Oceans: Strengthening Capacity for Ocean Governance June 29, 2022

    Oceans and Climate Change: Emerging Issues in International Law and World Bank Operations June 29, 2021

    Ocean-Related International Conventions and the Blue Economy April 1, 2020  


coastal zone sea island
VIDEO Sep 21,2021

What Are the Legal Impacts of Rising Sea Levels for Pacific Nations?


For any content related to this work, contact: