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QII: Advancing Green, Resilient, Inclusive Development


Quality Infrastructure Investment is making a difference in development

Driving Positive Change: How quality infrastructure drives development in fragile countries

Fragility, conflict, and violence pose significant barriers to economic development and poverty reduction in many countries. This note takes a closer look at how the six QII Principles are being applied in practice in fragile countries.

Quality Infrastructure Investment is making a difference in development

Implementation of Innovative Bridge Technologies: Technical Guidance Note

This technical note discusses innovative bridge technologies within the Solomon Islands Roads and Aviation Project, showcasing how modular bridges can offer durable, low-maintenance solutions that improve infrastructure quality, economic efficiency, and resilience across the Pacific.

Quality infrastructure investments in Toyama city

Toyama City: Compact City Development

This case study showcases examples where the QII Principles have been operationalized in Japan`s urban infrastructure projects. It highlights Toyama City, which is now a global role model for compact city development.

Evolution of quality infrastructure investment in Japan

Evolution of Quality Infrastructure Investment in Japan

This report reviews the evolution of Quality Infrastructure Investments (QII) in the Japanese urban sector.

Quality Infrastructure Investment is making a difference in development

Flood Exposure and Vulnerability Mapping Using Street Level Image Automatic Acquisition and Machine Learning (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

The report has the goal to illustrate the entire process on data production, including the survey phases, the training activities, restitution of the raw data and details on extracted data.