The quiet financial crisis (Jan 2021)
How does lockdown affect firms in developing countries? (Sep 2020)
The Impact of COVID-19 on Formal Firms : Evidence from Albania (Aug 2020)
El Impacto del COVID-19 En las Empresas Formales de Costa Rica (Aug 2020)
El Impacto del COVID-19 En las Empresas Formales de Ecuador (Aug 2020)
The Impact of COVID-19 on Formal Firms : Evidence from Ethiopia (Aug 2020)
El Impacto del COVID-19 En las Empresas Formales de Guatemala (Aug 2020)
The Impact of COVID-19 on Formal Firms : Evidence from Montenegro (Aug 2020)
L’Impact du COVID-19 Sur Les Entreprises Formelles au Sénégal (Aug 2020)
The Impact of COVID-19 on Formal Firms : Evidence from Uganda (Aug 2020)
Hibernation: Keeping Firms Afloat During the COVID-19 Crisis (Apr 2020)
Financing Firms in Hibernation during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Apr 2020)
Kenya: Patient Safety Impact Evaluation (KEPSIE) (Aug2019)
Alternative methods to produce poverty estimates when household consumption data are not available (Part I) and (Part II) (May 2019)
Do Robots Threaten North-South Trade and Welfare? (Apr 2019)
What does the rise of robots mean for trade?(Apr 2019)
Think local, act local: Working with civil society for better development outcomes in Burkina Faso (Mar 2019)
Collaboration for Tax Compliance in Kosovo (Mar 2019)
Promoting Tax Compliance in Kosovo with Behavioral Insights (Mar 2019)
Are robots in Michigan destroying jobs in Chihuahua? (Feb 2019)
Measuring the statistical capacity of nations (Feb 2019)
Behavioral Science Around the World: Profiles of 10 Countries (Dec 2018)
Measuring Food Consumed Away from Home in Vietnam (Nov 2018)
Instilling a Growth Mindset in South Africa (Nov 2018)
Why Do Indonesian Adolescent Boys have Poorer Schooling Outcomes than Girls? (Nov 2018)
Why social exclusion is hard to change: A behavioral perspective (Sep 2018)
Learning to realize education’s promise -WDR 2018 Main Message (2018)
Understanding How Gender Norms in MNA Impact Female Employment Outcomes (Jun 2018)
Learning to realize education’s promise (Jun 2018)
Financial Integration in East Asia and Pacific: Regional and Interregional Linkages (May 2018)
The Fintech Revolution: The End of Banks as We Know Them? (May 2018)
Brick and Mortar Operations of International Banks (April 2018)
Measuring media impact: A brief history and analysis (Mar 2018)
The Fintech Revolution: A Threat to Global Banking? (Mar 2018)
Whither International Banking? (Jan 2018)
Beyond Cross-Border Banking: Debt Issuance Activities After the Global Financial Crisis (Jan 2018)
Behavioral solutions for youth unemployment (Jan 2018)