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Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program

ASL Reports and Publications

ASL Reports

ASL Annual Conferences Memoirs

ASL Research and Studies

  • International Funding for Amazon Conservation and Sustainable Management: An analysis of grant funding from 2013 to 2022, February 2024  English | Interactive open access data visualization dashboard
  • The Employment Effect of ASL Forest Restoration Projects, October 2023 English Spanish Portuguese
  • Guidance Note: Lessons Learned in Connectivity Conservation, July 2023 EnglishSpanish
  • Study: Women's Solutions: Lessons for Conservation and Development in the Amazon region, October 2022
    Spanish | Executive Summary  Spanish
  • Study: Lessons Learned in Effective Donor Collaboration for Amazon Conservation and Sustainable Development, October 2022   English 
  • Report: Strengthen capacity of ASL governments and communities to analyze wildlife data from camera traps, September 2022  English
  • Guide: Securing Sustainable Financing for Conservation Areas: A Guide to Project Finance for Permanence, November 2021  English  | Spanish
  • Study: International Funding for Amazon Conservation and Sustainable Management: A Continued Analysis of Grant Funding Across the Basin, February 2021   English 
    Executive Summary  Spanish | Portuguese | E-Book | Dashboard
  • Discussion Paper: Comparative Analysis of Conservation Agreement Programs in the Amazon, January 2020 
  • Report: World Conversations II: Colombia - Brazil - Peru: Exchange of experiences, tools, and lessons learned on the recognition of indigenous rights and territories for the safeguarding of the Northwest Amazon,  September 2019  Spanish

Lessons Learned 

  • Report: Community Sustainable Tourism, 2022 Portuguese
    Executive Summary and Recommendations Spanish
  • Report: Challenges and Lessons Learned: Knowledge exchange – Forestry Community, Petén Guatemala, 2019 Spanish

Blogs and Feature Stories





The Amazon rainforest is home to one in ten known species on Earth. With such high levels of biodiversity, it provides immense ecological and economic value to the communities that depend on these natural resources.
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Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Brochure
The Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program is a regional effort towards the conservation and sustainable development of the Amazon funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
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