Angola, Nigeria and South Africa have been playing prominent roles as members and shareholders of the World Bank Group (WBG) since they joined the WBG in 1989, 1961 and 1945 respectively. At the beginning, the three countries were part of Africa Group I Constituency in EDS14 which comprised largely English speaking African countries with a few Francophone and Lusophone countries.
The Executive Director, along with the other members of the Constituency office, represent the constituent countries in meetings at the World Bank Executive Board and engage in constant dialogue with staff of the WBG and other Executive Directors’ Offices. Together, they work collectively and collaboratively to help the WBG achieve its mission of eradicating extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity for the bottom 40 percent by the year 2030.
Since its creation in November 2010, EDS25 has increasingly helped to facilitate interactions and improve dialogue between the World Bank Group and its constituent member countries more than ever before.
The Office continually seeks regular inputs on major policy/strategic issues and incorporates them into its statements to the Board from time to time.
This office also acts in liaison with the capitals to seek advice and counsel in real time and receive more systematic and regular feedback from the constituencies on other key issues
EDS25 regularly informs the capitals of training, capacity development and other opportunities that could potentially help member countries in solving their developmental needs.
Overtime, these efforts have yielded significant improvements in understanding of how the WBG works, and in turn, leading to increased interaction and more availibiliry of effective use of resources and opportunities offered bythe Bank Group, other multilateral Development Banks and other International Financial Institutions.