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Health and Safety Directorate

Healthy Back Class

The Healthy Back Program addresses one of the most common health problems affecting staff in the Bank and Fund—back pain. While we don't presume to treat or to cure back problems, this session will help you understand your problem, feel more comfortable in your daily life, and take control of your situation.

The Healthy Back Program employs an interdisciplinary approach and it consists of four modules:

  1. Medical Module explains present medical knowledge about back pain;
  2. Ergonomics Module teaches how you can accommodate your work-station and leisure activities to fit your back;
  3. Stress Management Module helps you understand how stress is linked with back pain and teaches you a practical method of relaxation; and
  4. Exercise and Lifting Module shows you good lifting techniques and teaches exercises and techniques to strengthen your back. 

Watch for announcements of upcoming classes on the HSD Home Page. For more information, please send an email to