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BRIEFFebruary 21, 2023

Welcoming new partners to the World Bank’s SURGE Umbrella Program – promoting cities and regions as drivers of green, resilient, and inclusive economic development

new donors for SURGE umbrella

From left to right: Jakarta in Indonesia (credit: World Bank); Montenegro in ECA (credit: World Bank); smart city connections (credit: Chayanit/

The World Bank’s Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land Global Practice (GPURL) is happy to welcome two new development partners to the Sustainable Urban and Regional Development Umbrella Program (SURGE) - the Republic of Austria, acting through its Federal Ministry of Finance, and the Republic of Korea, acting through its Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT). SURGE is equally grateful for a new contribution by its founding partner, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) of the Swiss Government.

With rapid global population growth, cities are in the frontline of combating multiple crises. At the same time, cities are economic powerhouses to which people move to seek greater wellbeing. We are very happy to welcome new partners to the SURGE Umbrella Program. Austria’s contribution is preferenced toward supporting urban climate investments in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region. Korea has indicated a preference to support smart city development. Our new Austrian and Korean partners, together with the ongoing generous support by the Government of Switzerland – now expanded to Indonesia through a new country program, are enabling to scale up the support to cities and regions to drive green, resilient, and inclusive economic development.
Bernice K. Van Bronkhorst
Global Director, GPURL

What is SURGE?

SURGE is a multi-donor global Umbrella Program that supports governments and local authorities to address challenges stemming from rapid urbanization and unequal regional development processes and to consolidate efforts to build livable, inclusive, competitive, low-carbon and resilient cities and regions.

SURGE has five thematic pillars that have proven to be effective vehicles to channel operational and technical support to World Bank teams and clients: 1. City Management, Governance, and Financing; 2. Territorial and Spatial Development; 3. Sustainable and Climate-Smart Cities; 4. Urban Poverty and Housing; and 5. Urban and Regional Resilience.

The program delivers results through knowledge creation and innovation, capacity building and training, supporting finance mobilization and stakeholder collaboration and knowledge sharing.

SURGE’s global program currently has financed fifteen city engagements, one regional activity, and two global studies. In addition, SURGE supports four associated country trust funds focusing on Bolivia, PeruSerbia, and South Africa, as well as the expanded global City Planning Lab (CPL) program, which aims to assist municipal governments to harness the power of data to create competitive, inclusive, and resilient cities. Thus far, SURGE activities have informed investments amounting to $726 million of financing, of which $450 million for two pipeline projects proposed for financing by the World Bank. These numbers are expected to increase in the coming years, with SURGE activities building on earlier analytics and focusing on technical assistance, and expanding to Indonesia, ECA cities & climate change, and smart city development. More information can be found on the SURGE website.


Why was SURGE established?

By 2050, nearly seven of ten people globally are expected to live in urban areas. To accrue the benefits of urbanization and avoid negative social, economic, and environmental outcomes, governments must plan and manage this demographic shift wisely. Cities around the world will need to support the growing populations by providing services and infrastructure suitable to their needs, addressing the growing needs for urban water and sanitation services, energy, solid waste management, and urban transport. At the same time, innovative and nature-base solutions are needed to increase resilience to the increased risk of natural climate-related hazards, and climate mitigation efforts need to be woven into any urban development initiative. However, many developing countries need support in terms of knowledge and capacity to plan for, finance and realize sustainable and inclusive city development. The World Bank established the SURGE Umbrella Program in 2020 as its central collaboration instrument for working with partners and supporting development countries on building green, resilient, inclusive and sustainable cities in developing countries.


How much have development partners contributed to SURGE?

Switzerland’s SECO is SURGE’s founding donor. Between 2019 and 2022, SECO has provided $11 million to SURGE for global programs, and $33 million for country programs. With the new € 5 million Austrian and ₩1.5 billion Korean contributions the total SURGE budget has increased to $50 million. Aiming to further grow its partner base, SURGE is continuing to reach out to other development partners, in close coordination with other relevant umbrella and Trust Fund programs in the urban development space.


If you have any questions, please contact the SURGE Program Manager, Matthijs Schuring.