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Program for Asia Resilience to Climate Change

The Program for Asia Resilience to Climate Change (PARCC) is a trust fund supported by the United Kingdom's Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office and administered by the World Bank.  PARCC closed in February 2023 and the work carried out will continue under the new Resilient Asia Program.  

PARCC was launched in 2018 to strengthen disaster and climate resilience in countries in Asia by promoting regional cooperation on climate change through analysis; capacity building, trainings, and dialogue; improving forecast and decision-making capabilities of countries; and supporting innovation to deliver useful weather and climate information services to vulnerable communities.

The trust fund is part of the UK's broader program, Asia Regional Resilience to a Changing Climate Program, that works closely with the UK Met Office.




South Asia Hydromet Forum

The South Asia Hydromet Forum (SAHF) supports regional engagement to promote collaboration and enhance capacity at the regional and sub-regional levels towards improving Hydromet, Early Warning and Climate Services in South Asia. This regional engagement has three main pillars:  i) Regional dialogue and knowledge sharing; ii) Regional training and capacity building activities, and iii) National level technical assistance to align with the regional engagement. Three SAHFs have been held since 2018, leading to the formation of the SAHF Executive Council, which has representation from all eight countries, and a weekly Forecasters Forum, which brings together technical experts and decision-makers to collaborate on weather and climate-related information.

Watch the video on the South Asia Hydromet Forum  

Read more about SAHF I, II and III 

Report: Striving for Clean Air

Air Quality Management

Air pollution travels long distances in South Asia and gets trapped in large “airsheds” that are shaped by climatology and geography. PARCC-supported flagship report Striving for cLean Air identifies six major airsheds in the region, analyzes four scenarios to reduce air pollution with varying degrees of policy implementation and cooperation among countries, and offers a roadmap for airshed-wide air quality management.  The program also supported the Greenhouse gas-Air pollution Interaction and Syngergies or GAINS Tool  and convened stakeholders to influence d a shift in the focus of national programs in India for air quality management from a city-by-city approach to a more impactful and broader airshed management approach.  

Read the Report  I EndAirPollution Campaign I  

Watch the #OneSouthAsia Event: Breathing Uneasy


Climate Innovation Challenge

The Climate Innovation Challenge (CIC), implemented in collaboration with the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, is supporting 16 innovative  and cutting-edge technologies to build communities’ resilience against the threat of climate change in South Asia. From the Internet of Things (IoT) and deep-learning model to automatized land-use, smart farming and digital systems for climate information and analytics, the winning solutions aim at meeting the needs of the target countries’ most vulnerable sectors including agriculture, water and transportation.

Learn about the Innovations  I Press Release I Watch the Event: Innovate to Mitigate  




TechEmerge for Resilience

The TechEmerge Resilience Program in India is a partnership of the World Bank, IFC, the Consumer Technology Association, and the Government of India’s National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). Seven pilots are underway to strengthen disaster resilience in the time of COVID-19, leveraging Artificial Intelligence, drones, IoT, as well as wifi-connected radios to ensure information access to remote communities. The innovators—competitively selected from a field of more than 300 applicants worldwide—are conducting field tests in partnership with national, state, and district Disaster Management Authorities (DMAs). 

Read about the Pilot Solutions  I Watch the #OneSouthAsia Event I Watch the Story of Community Radio Building Resilience I Read Blog

Without climate-smart agriculture practices and investments, Zimbabwe’s agriculture sector could go into fast decline.

Climate Modelling for Macroeconomic Policy

As the effects of climate change become increasingly evident, the design and implementation of climate-aware policies have assumed a more central role in the macroeconomic policy debate. With this has come an increasing recognition of the importance of introducing climate into the economic policymaking. Two macrofiscal  models,  PakMod, and MANAGE-CGE, were developed and integrated into Pakistan’s Ministry of Finance, Macro-Fiscal Unit (MFU) for climate-resilient policymaking.  

Read about Climate Modelling for Macroeconmic Policymaking


Blue Economy

PARCC-supported activities promoted regional collaboration to increase resilience of fishermen and their dependent coastal fishing communities to climate and disaster risks. Building on technology innovation investments under ongoing Bank operations, it facilitated south-south knowledge exchange on adoption of cutting-edge technological solutions for improving weather warning, and search and rescue at sea for small scale artisanal and semi-industrial coastal fisheries.   It established regional partners to initiate interagency/intergovernmental dialogue and information sharing protocols and agreements to facilitate joint fishing vessel monitoring and search as rescue, as well as for monitoring and reduction of fishing gear debris and plastic pollution. It is also supporting digital platform for home-based women workers  and entrepreneurs involved in Fisheries and related Activities in South Asia, with Particular Focus on Maldives


"The macro-fiscal modeling exercise for Pakistan with a climate change module enables and provides the researches and policymakers with and excellent and flexible tool to do macro-fiscal climate aware forecasting analysis. "
Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Ahmed
Economic Advisor, Finance Division, Government of Pakistan

"In summary, I hereby endorse that captioned project which was started in December 2021 has now successfully completed beyond the expectations and we look forward similar kind of supports from your esteemed organization to the people Sri Lanka to ensure their household food and nutritional security."
Dr. Ajantha de Silva
Director General of Agriculture, Sri Lanka
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