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Rapid Social Response Program (RSR)

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Regional Activities & Projects


Building Social Protection Systems 

Angola - Systemic Support to Social
Protection in Angola



Project ID

Contributes to strengthening the social
protection system by enhancing the
Government’s capacity to design and
implement social protection programs,
strengthening coordination and institutional
linkages among the multiple government
institutions, and designing a graduation


Benin - Building a Common National
Targeting and Registry System for
Safety Net and Health Interventions
in Benin




Supports the Government of Benin in developing
a national beneficiary targeting and registry
system that can be used across multiple social 
protection and health programs.


Aug 2013

June 2015

Burkina Faso - Strengthening Safety Net
Response to Crises



Supports the development and implementation
of a cash-transfer program and a feasibility study
of a public works program to support the poor
and vulnerable.

Associated IDA project


April 2010

June 2015

Burundi - Supporting Evolution toward a
Coordinated Social Protection System



Assists a gradual move from fragmented social
protection programs to a coordinated system
through feasibility assessments, support to
program implementation and south-south


Aug 2014

Aug 2015

Cameroon - Strengthening Safety Net
Response to Crises


Supported an inventory and analysis of the
country’s social safety nets, and piloted a
cash-transfer program.

Associated IDA project | Social Safety Nets Study

549,852Mar 2010

Dec 2013

Cameroon - Building Productive Safety Nets  


Supports the development of a productive social
protection system in Cameroon including
strengthening the design of safety net programs
and including approaches to linking program
beneficiaries to the labor market and to productive

250,000April 2014

Nov 2015 

Comoros - Strengthening Social Protection
in Comoros


Supports the Government in improving social
protection policy coordination and safety net
program implementation.

410,000Feb 2015

Oct 2016

Congo - CG Rep. LISUNGI Safety Nets


Supports building blocks of a consolidated
national safety nets system and an impact
evaluation of the LISUNGI cash transfer pilot

350,000Jan 2014

Nov 2015

Review of Social Safety Nets and
Potential for Scaling Up Cash Transfers -

Provided technical assistance to improve and
scale-up existing cash transfer programs in 
AngolaBeninLesothoMaliTanzania, and 
391,874May 2012

June 2013

Cote d' Ivoire - CI- Assessing the Impact
of Crises on Human Capital and Lay the
Foundations for an Effective Social Safety
Net System


Provided technical assistance to investigating
the aggregate and distributional impact of recent
crises on the country´s human capital, and made
specific policy recommendations to better respond
to future crises.

299,169Nov 2011

Dec 2013

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) - 
Support to Social Protection System


Strengthens the framework for Social Protection
and the establishment of a national SP system
though capacity building of SP actors and mapping
of SP and Labor interventions.

Associated IDA project

350,000April 2014

Nov 2015

Ghana - Building a National Targeting


Building on a previous support from RSR, this grant
supports the Government of Ghana in establishing
a national Common Targeting System to scale up
Ghana’s main safety net program LEAP and the
National Health Insurance Scheme.

Associated IDA project

450,000Feb 2014

Nov 2015

Ghana - Support to a Common Targeting
System in Ghana

Helped to upgrade the design of the country's
cash-transfer programs with a view to develop
a common targeting mechanism for all safety net
programs in the country.
181,322April 2010

June 2012

Guinea - Guinea Social Protection Strategy


Provided technical assistance, including a feasibility
study and capacity building to help create a safety
net system that can respond effectively to crises.

Associated IDA project

399,981July 2011

Sep 2014

Guinea - Support to Social Protection
Strategy and Systems


Supports the government’s request to elaborate
a national social protection policy and strategy

400,000Mar 2015

Sep 2016

Guinea Bissau - Social Safety Net Systems


Supports the Government to lay the foundations
of a social protection system capable of effectively
responding to current crises and future shocks.

383,500Feb 2015

Oct 2016

Kenya - Additional Financing for Cash
Transfers for Orphans and Vulnerable


Helps the Government enhance the single registry
for social protection, develop common program
targeting mechanisms, and design program
graduation mechanisms.

Project Brief (Archive)

415,250Aug 2013

May 2015

Kenya - Support to the Government of Kenya
for Social Protection Programming


Supported the government of Kenya in their effort
to bring about a systemic change of the social
protection system, and deliver more tangible and 
sustainable results for vulnerable people.

144,891Mar 2010

Dec 2012

Kenya - Social Protection Interventions -
Kenya – DFID


Supported the Government in strengthening its
response to the recent crisis through increasing
the efficiency and effectiveness of ongoing social
protection Interventions.

Associated IDA project | Project Brief (Archive)

1,147,853July 2010

Sep 2013

Kenya - Kenya Youth Empowerment Project


Supported the IDA Youth Empowerment Project
in its efforts to increase access to youth-targeted
temporary employment programs and to improve
youth employability.

585,000Sep 2012

Dec 2012

Lesotho - Lesotho RSR - TA for SP Systems


Supports the government in developing a social
protection strategy, and laying some of the
fundamental building blocks of a social protection
system, such as targeting, beneficiary registry and
coordination among programs.

250,000May 2014

Nov 2015

Lesotho - LS-Social Safety Net Review


Improved the existing safety net to better protect
the poor and vulnerable under crisis. The study
analyzed the efficiency of current social safety net
programs in reaching out to the most vulnerable,
and developed policy reform options and guidance.

137,123Nov 2011

May 2013

Liberia - LR: Youth, Employment, Skills Project


Funded a Social Protection Diagnostic Report.
The report was a critical first step in the
development of a coordinated and comprehensive
social protection strategy, which forms an
integrated part of the human development pillar
of the country's poverty reduction strategy.

Policy Note | A Diagnostic of Social Protection in Liberia

288,275Nov 2010

Mar 2012

Liberia - Enhancing Economic and Social
Resilience among Liberia’s “Lost Generation”
of Youth


Provided an analysis and technical assistance
to the government on how to prioritize and
sequence employment programs targeting
vulnerable youth.

Associated IDA-project

239,566Nov 2011

June 2013

Liberia - Developing National Social Protection
Delivery Systems


It supports the Government to establish key building blocks for a basic national safety system and strengthen coordination and administrative processes


Madagascar - Developing Madagascar's Safety


Helps to advance the social protection policy
dialogue and developing innovative safety net
approaches to address the needs of the
poorest population.

441,000Feb 2014

Nov 2015

Mauritania - Mauritania Social Protection TA


Helps the government improve targeting, prepare
a single registry for safety nets programs and
develop a feasibility assessment for a national 
cash transfer.

150,000Sep 2013

June 2015

Mozambique - MZ-Preparation and Supervision
of the Pilot Public Works Program


Supported the development of labor-intensive
public works in 10 arid and semi-arid rural and
two urban areas to address the country-specific
dynamics of poverty and improve food insecurity.
RSR helped to set the direction of the new
national public works program by developing
and testing criteria for selecting beneficiaries,
determining the level of transfers and ascertaining
the types of eligible public works.

Associated IDA-project

1,554,074Mar 2012

Dec 2012

Mozambique - Building Gender-Sensitive
SPL Systems


Supports and expands the emerging social
protection system by piloting a gender-sensitive,
inclusive safety nets mechanism that provides
temporary income support to extremely poor
individuals, mainly women, while delivering social
and community services to vulnerable groups in
underserved rural and urban areas.

1,000,000Mar 2015

May 2016

Nigeria - Social Safety Nets Development
Dialogue and Policy Development


Provided technical assistance to improve the
design of the IDA-supported Social Safety Net

Associated IDA-project

399,686July 2011

Dec 2012

Nigeria - Developing National Social
Protection Platform


Supports the development of a comprehensive
national platform for an effective safety
nets program, including a common targeting
system, harmonized eligibility criteria, guidelines
for payment system, and a monitoring and
evaluation system.

430,000Feb 2015

Oct 2016

Regional - Support to Coherent Pension Policy
and Improved Pension Delivery in Africa


Provides policymakers with the information and
international experience required to formulate
more equitable old age income security policies
as well as with tools to allow program
administrators to improve delivery of pensions.

310,000Jan 2014

Nov 2015

Regional - Building and Sharing Knowledge
to Support Identification Systems in Africa


Aims to produce and share public goods and
knowledge that will help countries in Africa in
their efforts to build robust identification and
birth registration systems that leads to the
increase of the share of the population that
possess robust legal identity.


Rwanda - SPL Systems in Rwanda


Supports the Government of Rwanda to improve
effectiveness of its social protection system by
moving from a focus on policy formulation to the 
design and implementation of key service delivery

450,000May 2014

Nov 2015

Rwanda - Technical Assistance and
Capacity Building to the Vision 2020
Umurenge Program (VUP)


Provided technical assistance to improve existing
social protection programs' ability to protect
vulnerable households in times of crises, and
boosts the programs' capacity to scale-up
interventions and absorb more funds when 
the need arises.

Associated IDA project

2,086,048April 2010

Dec 2013

Sao Tome e Principe - Building Blocks for
the SP System


Creates the basic blocks for a social protection
system by enhancing the government's
understanding of vulnerability and risk vis-à-vis 
the existing supply of safety net interventions,
and developing key operational tools to reach
the poorest with selected safety net programs.

325,000April 2014

Nov 2015

Senegal - Senegal SP - Safety Net Assessment


Supports the development of a comprehensive
and efficient social protection system including
a unified set of design parameters such as
targeting mechanisms, a registry system,
payment methods, and a management information

Associated IDA project

217,563Sep 2010

June 2014

Senegal - Senegal Safety Net Operation


Supports the design of a responsive safety net
system in connection to the government's launch
of the Food Security Program, the Programme
de Bourse de Securité Alimentaire.

Associated IDA project

300,000Dec 2013

June 2015

Senegal - Developing National Social
Protection Delivery  Systems


Aims to carry out an assessment of public work
programs and develop a time bound Act Plan
to design, implement new programs, and
strengthen the SPL system and coordination
through active engagement of government
institutions and other stakeholders.


Sierra Leone - Developing Sierra Leone's
Social Protection System through Common
Targeting Mechanisms


Supports the establishment of a common targeting
system - a critical step in the consolidation of the
country’s social programs into a robust social
protection system.

300,000Jan 2014

Nov 2015

Sierra Leone - SL-Social Safety Net Support


Provided a diagnostics of sources of poverty and
vulnerability and made recommendations to
improve the design, effectiveness, and
sustainability of the major safety net interventions,
with a view to move from an ad hoc emergency
focus to a longer-term programmatic focus on
national systems. 

299,985July 2011

June 2013

Support for Social Protection Design and
Implementation in Sub-Saharan Africa -


Supported the development of cash transfers
programs. Depending on the country situation
areas for support included: the design for
scaling up, specifics of targeting, design of
enrollment and identification of beneficiaries,
payment systems, control and accountability
mechanisms, monitoring system and management
information systems. 

95,827April 2010

April 2012

Sudan - Strengthening Safety Net
Programs in Sudan


Strengthens the effectiveness and responsiveness
of social protection interventions by improving
the implementation and coordination of the
Ministry of Welfare and Social Security’s Social
Support Program, builds the foundations for a
common targeting system, and develops Cash
for Work for poor and conflict affected regions.

400,000Feb 2015

Oct 2016

Tanzania - Tanzania Second Social Action


Worked to improve household practices and
engender sustainability of livelihoods of the
current Community-Based Conditional Cash
Transfer beneficiaries. Following some
implementation issues, part of the grant was

626,136July 2011

Sep 2012

Tanzania - TZ-Systems Based Approach
for the PSSN


Develops a strategy for using information and
communication technology (ICT) for expanded
outreach and greater impact as well as enhancing
key operational tools including the Management
Information System (MIS), the Single Registry of
Beneficiaries, and the formal payment system.

410,000April 2014

Nov 2015

Togo - TG-Community Dev. Project ERL


Financed a rigorous impact evaluation of the new
public works project and provided technical
assistance to the Government in implementing 
and monitoring the national social protection

Associated IDA project

283,806Nov 2010

Sep 2012

Togo - Togo towards a National Social
Protection Policy and Strategy


Helped the country move towards an integrated
national system for social protection by providing
technical assistance to the development of a
cash transfer program and improving the design
of existing programs.

Associated IDA project

220,000Nov 2011

Dec 2013

Uganda - Uganda Social Protection Sector


Supports the development of a social protection
system through an analysis of poverty, risk and
vulnerability as well as a detailed analysis of
existing social safety programs.

258,800Dec 2013

Dec 2014

Youth Employment (DFID TF)


Identified and analyzed programs that improve
employability and earnings among youth and
reduce their vulnerability and risky behavior—
knowledge that improves the design of
labor-market interventions.

93,719March 2010

April 2012

Zambia - Support for Development
of MIS and Single Registry of
Beneficiaries/Policy Dialogue on
National Social Protection


Supports the Government in strengthening its
social protection system by developing a
policy framework and building management
information systems and a single registry to
allow robust identification of beneficiaries.

1,400,000Dec 2013

Dec 2015

Zimbabwe - Zimbabwe Productive Safety
Net - Pilot Public Works Program/Zimbabwe
Social Protection Dialogue


Helped the Government of Zimbabwe to improve
its national public works program to bolster the
resilience of vulnerable families and communities.

1,084,868Mar 2011

Feb 2013

Zimbabwe - Technical Assistance to Support
the Safety Net System in Zimbabwe


Assists the government in the development of a
social protection strategy and creation of an
harmonized targeting system and beneficiary
registry for the main social safety net programs
in the country.

250,000Feb 2014

Dec 2015

Sharing Knowledge

AFR Cash Transfers and Conditional Cash
Transfers/Community of Practitioners 

TimelineProject ID
This community of practice brings together
officials and practitioners from Tanzania,
KenyaGhanaNigeriaEthiopia and Niger
to exchange experiences, resources and learning
on conditional cash transfers.
449,805June 2011

Jun 2013 

Africa Cash Transfers and Conditional
Cash Transfers Community of Practice
(CoP) (2nd phase)


Supports participating countries in their process
of launching or scaling-up unconditional and
conditional cash transfers programs as a core
pillar in the consolidation of Social Protection
and Labor Systems.

450,000Aug 2013

Jun 2015

Public Works in Fragile Countries:
The Experience of a Cash for Work
Program in Togo & Liberia


This activity built on the experience of the
Liberia Cash for Work Project and assisted
Togo's government in identifying key issues
and success factors for a new public works

88,699April 2010

Feb 2012 

Informal Safety Nets in Eastern and
Southern Africa - DFID TF 


Supported the preparation of three case
studies; in RwandaZimbabwe and Cote d' Ivoire,
to elucidate the interplay between formal and
informal safety nets.

118,116Feb 2010

April 2012

AFR Community of Practice on Cash
Transfer for Francophone Countries in
the Region


It broadens and deepens the results of the
Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa Community
of Practice on Cash transfers programs
in member countries. 

340,000Jan 2015

Oct 2016

Protecting Access to Basic Services

Benin and Malawi - Enhancing Institutional
Capacity for Nutrition Security Programs

TimelineProject ID

Worked to enhance the two countries' ability to
respond to - and mitigate - the nutritional impact
of economic and climate-related shocks.

375,770July 2011

June 2013 

Ethiopia - Ethiopia Nutrition (FY08)


Provided technical support to the development
and implementation of an early warning system
for malnutrition. The project complements the
IDA-supported Nutrition Project.

Associated IDA-project

1,014,091Jan 2011

Dec 2013

Gambia - Gambia Rapid Response Nutrition
Security Improvement Project

Strengthened the capacity of the National
Nutrition Agency to develop a community
driven approach to nutrition, and provided
technical assistance to the development of
an updated nutrition policy and strategic
plan for implementation.
3,150,623Jan 2011

Jul 2013

Lesotho - Lesotho Education, Employability
and Economic Growth

Collected and analyzed data to help the
government better target education and
labor market policies to help youth and
vulnerable groups during economic crises.
229,442April 2010

Dec 2012

Madagascar - MG-Assessing Negative
Impacts of the Political Crisis and
Protecting Access to Essential HNP


Provided technical assistance to ensure
continuous and effective health and
nutrition service delivery in stable times
and when crises hit.

Associated IDA-project

397,900June 2011

Sep 2012

Madagascar - Primary Education
in Times of Crisis


Supported a diagnosis of the effects of economic
and political crises on children and devised
appropriate mechanisms to protect vulnerable
children's access to basic education.

Associated IDA-project

449,770Nov 2011

Mar 2013

Malawi - Protecting Early Childhood
Development in Malawi - Rapid Social
Response (RSR)


Supported the government in the design,
implementation, and evaluation of strategies
to increase access to - and the quality of -
9,000 community-based child care centers
across the country.

2,182,341April 2010

Nov 2012

Mali - Piloting Effective Early Childhood
Development Services in Mali


Assisted in the government's crises response
by developing cost-effective early childhood
development services for vulnerable children
in rural areas.

Associated IDA-project

1,976,234Oct 2010
Dec 2013

Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of
 – Operations and Capacity
Development  for Nutrition 


Developed the capacity to implement nutrition
interventions at scale. 

50,617Feb 2010

April 2012

East Asia and the Pacific

Building Social Protection Systems

Myanmar - Myanmar Social Protection
Policy Reform 

TimelineProject ID

Used the Social Protection Assessment of Results
and Country Systems (SPARCS) framework to
identify strategic direction and appropriate 
instruments to build resilience and promote equity
and opportunity. The grant also focused on building
the capacity of government to develop SPL policies, 
design appropriate programs and build an effective
system for delivery.

450,000Feb 2014

June 2015

Cambodia - Cambodia Technical Assistance
for Social Protection Systems


Puts in place elements of a social protection
system through technical assistance for the
implementation of a cash transfer program.
These elements can then be scaled up to help
develop a comprehensive social protection


June 2016

EAP Climate Responsive Social Prot TA


Strengthens the capacity of governments
across the region to adapt social protection
programs and systems to mitigate disaster
risks ex ante, improve coping strategies,
and better respond to natural disasters and 
extreme climate conditions.

450,000Dec 2013

June 2015

Mongolia - Building a More Efficient SP
System in Mongolia


Improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the
country’s social assistance system by
recommending strategies to consolidate the
country’s fragmented social assistance system
and by building an integrated IT system that can 
serve as an information platform to manage all
categorical and proxy-means tested social
assistance programs in the country.

265,000Jun 2014

Nov 2015

MN-Support to Social Welfare Reform

Helped to develop an alternative to the current
social security scheme and developed a savings
program for herders and others involved in the
informal sector, as well as a social security reserve
67,787Feb 2010

Feb 2012

Papua New Guinea - Urban Youth
Employment Project

Strengthened the government's capacity to
implement and evaluate the impacts of an
IDA-supported youth employment project that
aims to increase the aspirations and future
earnings of 17,500 urban disadvantaged youth.
296,590Jan 2011

June 2013

Timor Leste - Strengthening Social Safety Nets

Strengthened the delivery of social assistance
through a diagnosis of existing payments
systems and options for alternative systems,
and helped to establish a management information
system in the Ministry of Social Solidarity to
facilitate monitoring and evaluation.
87,811Jan 2010

Feb 2012

Timor-Leste - Timor Leste Social Protection
Administration Project/Timor-Leste:
Social Protection Administration TA


Supported the Ministry of Social Solidarity in
building a standardized information management
system that integrates beneficiary information
across different database systems and identifies
beneficiaries  uniquely and strengthening the
government’s capacity to improve the delivery
of cash transfer programs.

2,205,721Mar 2011

Oct 2014

Vietnam - Vietnam Programmatic Social
Protection AAA


It supports the government in strengthening the
social protection system through the consolidation
of overlapping programs and the modernization
of the management and delivery systems, in
addition to building the capacity of government
to develop more effective social assistance and
social insurance systems.

450,000Feb 2015

Oct 2016

Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Building Social Protection Systems

Albania - Social Protection TA

TimelineProject ID
A stock-taking of the country's main poverty
program's administrative architecture and its
operational aspects, functional responsibilities,
and institutional capacity.
49,846Dec 2009

Dec 2012

Armenia - Better Targeted Nutrition-Sensitive
Social Safety Nets 


Aims to increase the number of Armenian poor
that receive the Family Benefit Program through
better targeting, and to increase contribution of
social safety nets in addressing malnutrition among
poor households.


Health & Social Protection Project

Supported the Agency for Social Protection in
reforming its social safety nets so that vulnerable
families with children have better access to
programs and are less harmed by increases in
energy prices.
59,660Mar 2010

Feb 2012

Kyrgyz Republic - A Roadmap for Improving
Social Safety Net Administration and System


Supports the efforts of the Ministry of Social
Development to design and implement a roadmap
for social protection. The grant catalyzes the
switch from isolated social assistance interventions 
towards a system approach by providing critical
analytical inputs and help stakeholders to make 
informed choices. 

370,000Oct 2013

June 2015

Kyrgyz Republic - Enhancement of the TSA to
Improve Coverage and Protection of the

Supported the modernization of the cash transfer
program directed to families with children, and
the development of a Social Protection Strategy
for the country.
259,413Jun 2011

Jan 2013

Tajikistan - Tajikistan Government-Implemented
Grant for Targeting and Payment of Social
Assistance/Social Safety Net Strengthening

Supported the building blocks of a more efficient
system to deliver aid to the poorest households,
so that the government and donors will have an
effective way to intervene in ordinary times and
during crises.
2,283,190May 2010

Dec 2013

Uzbekistan - Integrated Single Window Office
for the Social Assistance and Employment


Develops a concept of the Integrated Single
Window Office (ISWO) for provision of services
to population by the Ministry of Labor and Social
Protection (MLSP). Design a detailed blueprint
for implementation and rollout of a national
reform of administration of the social assistance
and employment programs, including high level
design of the Management Information System
(MIS) and a registry of beneficiaries. 


Latin America and the Caribbean

Building Social Protection Systems

Bolivia - BO Multidimensional Poverty
Phase IV

TimelineProject ID

Fills information gaps about dimensions of access
to social services among women and indigenous
groups in Bolivia with the end goal of promoting
a more equitable access to social services, social
protection, and economic opportunities.

90,000Sep 2014

Sep 2015 

Haiti - Moving Toward a Social Protection
System in Haiti


Helps the Government improve its capacity to
coordinate and target social initiatives and enhance
the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending
in the area of social protection.

450,000Nov 2015P149565

Social Protection

Strengthened the governments’ safety net
programs by helping to redesign the conditional
cash transfer program, and enhance targeting of
social safety nets interventions.
72,566Jan 2010

June 2012

Nicaragua - Nicaragua Social Protection

Provided technical assistance to the expansion of a
model program for family and community-based
social welfare and cash transfers.
2,548,570Feb 2012

April 2013

Regional Statistical Work in OECS


Strengthened the OECS secretariat’s capacity
to support and guide national crisis responses
on social protection.

OECS Country Brief

475,118Nov 2011

June 2013

Saint Lucia - Rapid Social Response Trust
Fund: Transforming Social Protection in
St. Lucia


Supports the implementation a Social Safety Net
Reform through: (i) analyzing and improving key
operational elements of St. Lucia’s flagship
Public Assistance Program; (ii) harmonizing the
architecture of social assistance programs ; and 
(iii) improving the Ministry of Social 
Transformation’s capacity to implement the
Social Safety Net Reform.

300,000Feb 2014

Nov 2015

Regional - Rapid Social Response Trust Fund:
Strengthening SPL Systems in Low Capacity
LAC countries (BoliviaGrenadaHonduras,


Building Evidence on Program's Performance
Builds Evidence on Program's Performance to
Strengthen SPL systems in low capacity LAC


Nov 2015

Mexico - Strengthening of Social Protection


Supports the Government to strengthen existing
social protection system tools aimed at improving
the wellbeing of the extreme poor, in particular
their nutritional status and food security.


Middle East and North Africa

Building Social Protection Systems

Djibouti - Employment for the Poor Project

TimelineProject ID
Piloted an integrated safety net mechanism that
combines a workfare program with social assistance
for nutrition, using community-driven and participatory 
approaches as well as targeted capacity building 
173,593Jan 2010

April 2012


Sharing Knowledge

Equity and Inclusion

TimelineProject ID
Captured lessons from the success of the United
Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
Refugees, which provided education to Palestinian 
students in the Middle East.
398, 720Oct 2010

Nov 2012


Protecting Access to Basic Services

Yemen - Social Welfare Fund Institutional Support

TimelineProject ID

The grant supported a short household survey to
monitor the economic and social impact of instability,
including food insecurity. The pilot project was 
cancelled due to prevailing security concerns in

201,146Nov 2010

Dec 2012

South Asia

Building Social Protection Systems

Afghanistan – Afghanistan Pension
Administration and Safety Net Project 

TimelineProject ID

Aimed to strengthen the institutional capacity
to monitor and evaluate government programs
and mechanisms delivering benefits

200,000Nov 2011

June 2014

Afghanistan - Options to Strengthen the
Safety Net


Explores options for increasing the social protection
coverage of the poor by assessing the potential
and feasibility of scalable short term employment
generation programs.

370,000Jun 2014

Oct 2015

Bangladesh - Employment Generation
Program for the Poorest

This activity provides technical assistance to
make beneficiary payment and record keeping
mechanisms for the Employment Generation
Program for the Poorest more efficient.
605,706June 2011

June 2014

Bangladesh - Piloting Cash Transfers for
Human Development through Local

Piloted the mechanisms for delivering conditional
cash transfers through local governments to
improve children’s nutrition and education.
2, 619,345Sep 2010

Dec 2013

Bangladesh: Assessment of Identification
Systems for Social Protection


Aims to strengthen the SPL system by enhancing
Government’s capacity to improve SPL ID
systems, develop options for how ID systems to
be more effective and efficient, set up an Action
Plan to operationalize most preferred policy
options, strengthen coordination among the
government institutions involved in SPL programs,
and understand the operational foundations of
public food distribution systems (PDSs). 


Bangladesh: Supporting Nutrition-Sensitive
Safety Nets through Strengthened Local
Government Administration


Supports streamlined social protection services
at the local level, with a focus on implementation
of nutrition-sensitive safety nets in Bangladesh
by strengthening local level institutional
arrangements for safety nets administration,
developing innovative tools for promotion of
nutrition amongst the poorest through income
support and beneficiary engagement.


Bhutan - Supporting the Development of a
Social Protection Strategy


Supports the development of an evidence-based
social protection strategy.

300,000April 2014

June 2015

India: Social Dimensions of Urbanization


Provided support to stream-lining and improving
the effectiveness of urban safety nets in New Delhi
and improve the monitoring and delivery of benefit
programs using integrated IT platforms, databases
and smart cards.

99,048March 2010

Feb 2012

India - Bihar Integrated Social Protection
Strengthening Project


Evaluates the impact of providing financial
education program focused on long-term
savings for low income households in Bihar,
India and their take up rate of a New Government
Pension Scheme (NPS Lite) designed for
individuals working in the informal sector who
are not covered by any formal old age social
security program.

450,000Oct 2013

June 2015

India: Improving Design and Delivery of
Social Safety Net Program in Urban locations


Supports the improvements in the design and
delivery of social safety net programs in urban


Maldives - Building capacity and systems for
targeting the poor in the Maldives

Assisted the government in designing and
implementing a common platform for identification
of the poor.
124,295Mar 2011

Aug 2012

Nepal - Strengthening Safety Nets in Nepal:
Piloting Targeted Conditional Cash Transfers

Improves the delivery of cash-based safety nets
in pilot districts through technical assistance and
capacity building to the Ministry of Local
1,535,882Jan 2011

Sep 2014

Nepal Safety Net System Building (SNSB) TA


Supports the Government in strengthening basic
architecture of its administrative systems, with
emphasis on the payment system, the
management information system, and the
ministry’s internal institutional arrangement for SP
policy coordination and service delivery.

450,000Nov 2014

Oct 2016

Pakistan: Social Safety Net Project

An assessment to improve the design and
implementation of the payment side of cash
transfer programs in Pakistan and how different
technologies work for the poor. The assessment
also established ways to make cash grants more
sustainable through financial inclusion
(e.g. savings) and literacy.
802,254Jun 2011

May 2013

Sri Lanka - Competitive Skills for a Middle
Income Country


Examined the impact of the economic crisis
on vulnerable groups, in the formal and
informal labor markets, and supported an analysis
of critical policy issues on skills development,
employment creation and economic growth.

238,800June 2011

Sep 2012

Sri Lanka - Strengthening Samurdhi
Targeting Systems


Supported an assessment of the beneficiaries
of the largest social safety net program with
a view to make the program more efficient
in helping the poor to become more productive.

167,760Jul 2010

June 2013

Protecting Access to Basic Services

India: Institutional Arrangements for
Nutrition in India

TimelineProject ID

An analysis of existing institutional arrangements
for organizing, coordinating, and delivering
nutrition services in India and recommendations
for how the service delivery can be strengthened.

99, 640Feb 2010

May 2012

Maldives - Assessment of National Health


Strengthened the capacity of National Social
Protection Agency to improve the design of
the Madhana, the country's nascent social health
insurance system and helped to build a robust
monitoring and evaluation system that enhances
the system's efficiency and effectiveness.

58,098Jun 2011

June 2013

Pakistan - Protecting Pakistans Poor
Against Health Shocks in Disasters


Provided technical assistance to the development
of a diagnostics and a review of the health
sector's policy options to increase the population's
resilience to health shocks caused by natural

363,992Dec 2011

March 2013


Building Social Protection Systems

ASPIRE - Atlas of Social Protection
Indicators of Resilience and Equity

TimelineProject ID

Supports countries in building effective SPL
systems by providing clear, cross country
guidance for assessing and monitoring SPL systems’ performance. The grant supports
Social Protection Assessment of Results and
Country Systems (SPARCS) in developing and
applying common instruments to assess the
structure of SPL systems and guide their
development; and Atlas of Social Protection -
Indicators of Resilience and Equity (ASPIRE) 
in collecting, harmonizing and sharing 
comparable indicators of program performance
based on household and administrative data.

450,000Sep 2013

June 2015

Multicountry-Strengthening Public Food
Distribution Systems as Nutrition-Sensitive
Safety Nets


It pursues three core and interconnected
development objectives that would help advance
the social protection systems-building agenda
in terms of analytics, operations and

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