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Working to End Poverty in Latin America
June 3, 2015Washington, DC; 9am EST

After more than a decade of steady decline, inequality in Latin America has been stagnant since 2010 and remains high. As economic growth slows, the region faces a significant challenge to maintain the social gains of the past decade.
To mark the launch of the report, Working to End Poverty in Latin America: Workers, Jobs, and Wages,  join a live discussion with World Bank experts on the region's changing labor force and markets and what role they have played in alleviating poverty in the region. 
Join the online conversation. Tag your tweets with #roadtolima
  • Louise Cord, Manager, Global Poverty - Latin America, World Bank
  • Amgad Shehata, Vice President, Strategic Development, UPS (respondent)
  • Harold Trinkunas, Charles W. Robinson Chair & Senior Fellow and Director, Foreign Policy, Latin America Initiative, Brookings Institution (respondent)
  • Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
