Indonesia Country Partnership Framework for 2016-2020

December 1, 2015

  • The World Bank Group is renewing its partnership with Indonesia through the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for the period of 2016-2020.
  • This CPF envisions analytical and lending support of over $10 billion dollars over the next four years, from the World Bank Group’s three institutions: IBRD, IFC, and MIGA.
  • The partnership framework is aligned with the government’s national medium term development plan, known as the RPJMN, and was developed through consultations with stakeholders, including civil society organizations, development partners and the private sector.
  • The main objectives of the CPF are to operationalize World Bank Group support to the Government of Indonesia, in the shared endeavor to eliminate extreme poverty, generate prosperity and share this prosperity more widely amongst all Indonesians.
  • The CPF outlines six areas of engagement between the World Bank Group and the Government of Indonesia, the private sector and other development partners. These engagement areas aim to support:
    1. National infrastructure programs essential for growth and improving the lives of Indonesians across the archipelago;
    2. The energy sector, in order to increase sustainable energy and connect millions of families to reliable electricity;
    3. Programs to build the maritime economy and improve connectivity;
    4. Government efforts to collect more revenue and spend it more effectively;
    5. Local governments to provide better services for health-care, education, sanitation and clean water;
    6. Holistic landscape management efforts to protect Indonesia’s vast natural resources, including efforts to fight peat fires and deforestation, in order to reduce carbon emissions and build sustainable livelihoods for the poor.
  • The new framework is built on a partnership which has lasted more than six decades, and represents one of the largest country programs across the World Bank Group.


