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Health and Safety Directorate


DAP​P – Lunch & Learn: Show Up, Dream Big, Be Intentional: Living on Purpose in Difficult Times

​Joanne will discuss how to help you discover ways to feel happy about your work and satisfied you're living up to your potential. Challenging times like these, when many of us are forced to adjust to new ways of working and interacting with our colleagues, can make our personal goals seem even more difficult to achieve. This presentation will give you some tools to clarify your personal vision, translate the vision into goals, and create a plan for reaching those goals, so you can show up at your best where it matters most.

Hosted by: Malahat Baig-Amin & Elizabeth Legrain

Guest Speaker: Joanne Cleary, Coach

WED: 08/05/2020: 12:00 pm Wash DC, 7:00 pm Nairobi, 9:30 pm Delhi, 11:00 pm Bangkok

Joanne Creary is a trained professional life coach who has a passion for helping her clients break free of limiting beliefs and discover their unique life calling. She is the owner of Well Woman Coaching with the mission to support others in their personal growth and development so they can live happier, more meaningful lives. Joanne believes firmly in the idea that change is possible and that anyone can overcome obstacles and write a different ending to their life story. Joanne is a former Senior Communications Officer in the IMF's Communications Department. In addition to being a life coach, she is a seasoned communications professional, writer and editor. She holds a master's degree in Counseling Psychology and certification in life and group coaching. She is a contributor to the book Called to Coach, edited by Janice LaVore-Fletcher. Joanne is a member of the International Coach Federation.