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Saint Lucia Reduces Vulnerability

September 6, 2013


A young girl stands outside a home destroyed by a rainfall-triggered landslide in Castries, Saint Lucia.

The Second Disaster Management Project (DMP II) supported a long-term effort by the Government of Saint Lucia to reduce the country’s vulnerability to disaster risks. As such, the project financed the following: civil works to reduce physical vulnerability and build infrastructure resilience to disaster risk; capacity building activities to build disaster response capacity, including purchase of specialized emergency equipment and investment in emergency infrastructure and training; technical assistance and institutional strengthening of key ministries and agencies dealing with disaster management.


An important issue confronting Saint Lucia’s development is the vulnerability of its population and economy to adverse natural events. The island is exposed to a number of natural hazards, such as heavy rainfall, tropical storms, hurricanes, winds and droughts.

Disasters caused by these weather-related hazards impose large costs on the country’s fragile economy and exacerbate poverty levels. They have destroyed infrastructure and disrupted the provision of essential services. They have also absorbed a growing share of the national budget to cover recovery and reconstruction efforts. Up until the late 1990s, the conventional approach to adverse natural events in Saint Lucia has been primarily response and recovery post-disaster, with very limited focus on disaster preparedness, risk mitigation, or prevention. This reactive approach to disasters in Saint Lucia was the result of weak institutional framework and lack of capacity in the area of disaster risk management.


Following the extensive damage caused by Tropical Storm Debbi, in 1997 the first World Bank Emergency Recovery and Disaster Management Project (ERDMP) financed primarily post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation. It also financed some physical mitigation and prevention investments and disaster response capacity building activities.

Building on the lessons learned and successful achievements of ERDMP, DMP II was prepared as a follow on operation to scale up disaster risk reduction interventions. Following the multi-sectoral approach of ERDMP, clear benefits could be derived from improving the country’s disaster preparedness and response capacities and its prevention-oriented physical investments, institutional strengthening, and capacity building activities.

DMP II was also aligned with the National Hazard Mitigation Policy which was under preparation at the time of project appraisal in 2003 and which highlighted the need to emphasize long-term disaster prevention measures that would embrace all relevant economic and social sectors (public and private) and facilitate the more effective use of scarce financial resources in a comprehensive approach to disaster management.


Saint Lucia’s vulnerability to adverse natural events was successfully reduced, through the following improvements:

  • Infrastructure improvements against the impact of adverse natural events, including the retrofitting of three health centers and four schools, rehabilitation of two bridges, coastal protection works, and small mitigation works in various communities across the island. These improvements proved to be effective, according to an assessment taken after Hurricane Tomas in 2010. They significantly increased the percentage of population with access to improved infrastructure, from 30 percent in the pre-project phase to an estimated 80 percent by project completion.
  • The completion of the central Emergency Operation Center, construction of 11 satellite warehouses, purchase of specialized emergency communication equipment, and the provision of technical assistance and training in areas of disaster preparedness and response improved preparedness, and response capacity.
  • Strengthened capacities of various ministries and agencies dealing with disaster management through technical assistance and training, improved enforcement of territorial planning and building code regulations, flood risk assessments in Dennery and Soufriere, and landslide risk assessments in seven communities. Drought hazard maps informed land use planning and physical development policies and decision-making.

Bank Contribution

The total amount of the project funding, including the additional financing, amounted to US$13 million, of which 29 percent was financed by an IBRD loan; 53 percent financed by an IDA credit; and 18 percent financed by the government of Saint Lucia.

Moving Forward

While progress has been made to reduce the country’s vulnerability to disasters, Saint Lucia will continue to face challenges in understanding and managing natural hazards, particularly in view of a changing climatic environment. The Saint Lucia Hurricane Tomas Emergency Recovery Loan was approved by the Board in March 2011, and took into account the achievements and lessons learned from the previous projects. Through its reconstruction and rehabilitation activities of damaged and critical public infrastructure, the project is working to ensure reduced vulnerability of existing infrastructure, in addition to providing continued technical assistance to strengthen institutional disaster risk management capacity.


Broadly, the beneficiaries included the entire population of Saint Lucia who benefited from improvements to their local and national infrastructure and an improved civil protection system that warns of imminent events and facilitates timely evacuation and secure protective sheltering.

The primary beneficiaries of the project were the specific communities where investments were executed, including the 5,000 inhabitants of Dennery village, the seven communities (216 households) that benefitted from the slope stabilization interventions, the 150 school children that attended the retrofitted school facilities, which also serve as emergency shelters to nearly 210 local inhabitants, and the 14 communities that benefited from the improved health facilities.

In addition, more than 150 small local contractors were employed to carry out the small mitigation works, and hence benefitted directly from the project.

of the population of St Lucia now have access to improved infrastructure.
