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BRIEF December 22, 2020

Finance and Private Sector Impact Evaluation Policy Notes

Impact evaluation policy notes provide 2-page summaries of efforts to evaluate the impacts of finance and private sector policies. Do you have a project you want evaluated? Researchers with the Finance and Private Sector Development Research Program are looking for opportunities to work with colleagues in the World Bank and IFC. If you would like to ask our experts for advice or to collaborate on an evaluation, contact the editor, David McKenzie (

DateTitle (PDF link)IssueAuthor(s)
Sep. 2023Anticipation, Disappointment, and Adaptation: Evidence from a Home Upgrading Project65Xavier Giné, Meritxell Martínez and Virginia Melo 
Jan. 2023How a Program to Increase Exporting May Have Actually Reduced Exports 64Leonardo Iacovone, Rachael Meager and David McKenzie
Jan. 2023Give Me a Pass: Flexible Credit for Entrepreneurs in Colombia63Lasse Brune, Xavier Giné and Dean Karlan
Dec. 2022Helping Western Balkan SMEs Expand Exports Through Online Training and Consulting
62Ana Cusolito, Ornella Darova and David McKenzie
Oct. 2022Missing Information: Why Don’t More Firms Seek Out Business Advice?61Miriam Bruhn and Caio Piza
Sep. 2022Three Interventions to Reduce Irregular Migration and Promote Alternatives: An Experiment in The Gambia60Tijan Bah, Catia Batista, Flore Gubert and David McKenzie
Aug. 2022The Long-Term Impact of High School Financial Education: Evidence from Brazil59Miriam Bruhn, Gabriel Garber, Sergio Koyama and Bilal Zia
Dec. 2020Using the Market to Hire Skills as an Alternative to Business Training58Stephen J. Anderson and David McKenzie
Sep. 2020How should business training be priced? A demand experiment in Jamaica57Alessandro Maffioli, David McKenzie, and Diego Ubfal
Sep. 2020Empowering Farmers to Adopt Agricultural Recommendations56Carolina Corral, Xavier Giné, Aprajit Mahajan and Enrique Seira
Oct. 2019Does Mobile Money Improve Livelihoods for Households in Poor and Remote Areas?55Miriam Bruhn and Christina Wieser
Aug. 2019Shortening Supply Chains for Fruit and Vegetable Vendors in Bogota54Leonardo Iacovone and David McKenzie
Jun. 2019Improving Management in Colombian Firms Through Individual and Group Consulting53Leonardo Iacovone, William Maloney and David McKenzie
Oct. 2018Helping Firms Realize the Benefits of (Partial) Formalization52Francisco Campos, Markus Goldstein, and David McKenzie
Sep. 2018Can Government Intervention Make Firms More Investment-Ready?51Ana Paula Cusolito, Ernest Dautovic, and David McKenzie
Jun. 2018Can Technical Assistance Sow the Seeds for Rural Finance?50Miriam Bruhn, Rekha Reddy, Claudia Ruiz Ortega
May 2018Do Consulting Services Promote Small and Medium Enterprise Growth?49Miriam Bruhn, Dean Karlan, and Antoinette Schoar
May 2018The Pros and Cons of Agent Banking: Evidence from Senegal48Sinja Buri, Robert CullXavier Giné, Sven Harten and Soren Heitmann
Feb. 2018

Do Management Interventions Last? Evidence from an Experiment in India


Nicholas Bloom, Aprajit Mahajan, David McKenzie, and John Roberts

Jan. 2018Designing Wage Contracts in Multi-goal Organizations46Xavier Giné, Ghazala Mansuri and Slesh A. Shrestha
Dec. 2017Learning the Impact of Financial Education When Take-Up is Low45Gabriel Lara Ibarra, David McKenzie, and Claudia Ruiz Ortega
Nov. 2017You Get What You Ask For: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study44Xavier Giné and Rafael Mazer
Oct. 2017The Power of Standardization: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study43Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez, and Rafael Mazer
Mar. 2017Business Training for Female Microenterprise Owners in Kenya Grew Their Firms without Harming Their Competitors42David McKenzie and Susana Puerto
Feb. 2017Pathways to Profits: Identifying Separate Channels of Business Growth through Business Training41Stephen Joseph Anderson-Macdonald, Rajesh Chandy, and Bilal Husnain Zia
Feb. 2017The ABCs of Financial Education: Experimental Evidence on Attitudes, Behavior, and Cognitive Biases
40Fenella Carpena, Shawn Cole, Jeremy Shapiro, and Bilal Zia
Jan. 2017Research Grants for Science-industry Collaboration: Do They Spur Innovation?39Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie
Jan. 2017Are Labor Market Imperfections the Reason So Few Microenterprises Hire Workers? An Experiment in Sri Lanka Suggests They are Not38Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christoper Woodruff
Nov. 2016Enhancing the Benefits of Formalization under a new status in Benin37Najy Benhassine, David McKenzie, Victor Pouliquen, and Massimiliano Santini
Apr. 2016Can Wage Subsidies Boost Employment in the Wake of an Economic Crisis?36Miriam Bruhn
Mar. 2016Psychometrics as a Tool to Improve Access to Credit35

Irani Arráiz, Miriam Bruhn, and Rodolfo Stucchi

Nov. 2015

Spurring Innovation with Matching Grants: Evidence from Yemen

34David McKenzie, Nabila Assaf and Ana Paula Cusolito
Sep. 2015Creating jobs through a Business Plan Competition: Evidence from Nigeria's YouWiN! competition33David McKenzie
Nov. 2014Do Special Tax Regimes for Micro and Small Enterprises Encourage Formal Firm Creation? Do They Lead Firms to Underreport Revenues?32

Miriam Bruhn and Jan Loeprick

Oct. 2014

Piloting Macroinsurance for Microenterprises in Post-Revolution Egypt

31Matthew Groh, David McKenzie
Sep. 2014Testing Job Matching Services for Unemployed Educated Youth in Jordan
30Matthew Groh, David McKenzie, Nour Shammout and Tara Vishwanath
Aug. 2014Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Rural Pakistan
29Xavier Giné and Ghazala Mansuri
Jul. 2014

Financial Disclosure in Mexico: Evidence from an Audit Study


Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez and Rafael Mazer

Jun. 2014

Will Migrants Remit More if They Can Channel Payments Directly for Education? Lab-in-the-Field and Proof of Concept Trial Results


Giuseppe De Arcangelis, Majlinda Joxhe, David McKenzie, Erwin Tiongson and Dean Yang

Jan. 2014

The Impact of High School Financial Education: Large-Scale Experimental Evidence from Brazil

26Miriam Bruhn, Luciana Leão, Arianna Legovini, Rogelio Marchetti, and Bilal Zia

Jun. 2013

Why is Voluntary Financial Education so Unpopular? Evidence from Mexico


Miriam Bruhn, Gabriel Lara Ibarra and David McKenzie

May 2013

A Helping Hand or the Long Arm of the Law? Do carrots or sticks work best for bringing informal firms into the formal sector?


Gustavo Henrique de Andrade, Miriam Bruhn, and David McKenzie

Apr. 2013

Harnessing Emotional Connections to Improve Financial Decisions: Evaluating the Impact of Financial Education through Mainstream Media


Gunhild Berg and Bilal Zia

Feb. 2013

The Impact of Expanding Simplified Start-up Procedures to More Remote Areas: The Minas Fácil Expresso program


Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie

Jan. 2013


Lessons for Matching Grant Programs from Failed Attempts to Evaluate Them


Francisco Campos, Aidan Coville, Ana Fernandes, Markus Goldstein, and David McKenzie

Oct. 2012

Business Training for New and Existing Female-Owned Firms in Sri Lanka


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff

Oct. 2012

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants and their Families 


Yoko Doi, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia

May 2012

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants at Destination


John Gibson, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia

Mar. 2012

Do Informal Firms Want to Formalize and Does It Help Them if They Do? 


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff

Feb. 2012

Long-term impacts of one-off grants to microenterprises


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christopher Woodruff

Aug. 2011

The Impact of Commitment Savings Accounts: The Case of Malawi


Xavier Gine

Jun. 2011

Capital, Gender, and Microfinance Growth in Ghana


Marcel Fafchamps, David McKenzie, Simon Quinn, and Christopher Woodruff

May 2011

The Impact of Business and Financial Literacy Training for Young Entrepreneurs in Bosnia-Herzogovina


Miriam Bruhn and Bilal Zia

Dec. 2010

Spurring Development through a Seasonal Migration Program


John Gibson and David McKenzie

May 2010Using Biometric Technology in Rural Credit Markets: The Case of Malawi11Xavier Gine
April 2010Improving Management in India10Nick Bloom, Benn Eifert, Aprajit Mahajan, David McKenzie, and John Roberts

Oct. 2009

The Economic Impact of Expanding Access to Finance in Mexico


Miriam Bruhn and Inessa Love

Sep. 2009

The Results of a Pilot Financial Literacy and Business Planning Training Program for Women in Uganda


David McKenzie and Michaela Weber

Jun. 2009 

Do Marginal Firms in Bolivia Benefit from Formalizing?


David McKenzie

May 2009

Evaluating the Efficiency of a Bankruptcy Reform


Xavier Gine and Inessa Love

May 2009

Valuing Financial Literacy: Evidence from Indonesia


Bilal Zia

Apr. 2009

Why is More Capital Not Enough to Grow Female Businesses? 


David McKenzie

Mar. 2009

The Promise of Index Insurance


Xavier Gine

Feb. 2009

Does Business Registration Reform Increase Entrepreneurial Activity?


Miriam Bruhn

Feb. 2009

Which Microenterprises have High Returns to Capital?


David McKenzie



Feb. 2018

Do management interventions last? Evidence from an experiment in India


Nicholas Bloom, Aprajit Mahajan, David McKenzie, and John Roberts

Jan. 2018Designing Wage Contracts in Multi-goal Organizations46Xavier Giné, Ghazala Mansuri and Slesh A. Shrestha
Dec. 2017Learning the Impact of Financial Education When Take-Up is Low45Gabriel Lara Ibarra, David McKenzie, and Claudia Ruiz Ortega
Nov. 2017You Get What You Ask For: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study44Xavier Giné and Rafael Mazer
Oct. 2017The Power of Standardization: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study43Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez, and Rafael Mazer
Mar. 2017Business Training for Female Microenterprise Owners in Kenya Grew Their Firms without Harming Their Competitors42David McKenzie and Susana Puerto
Feb. 2017Pathways to Profits: Identifying Separate Channels of Business Growth through Business Training41Stephen Joseph Anderson-Macdonald, Rajesh Chandy, and Bilal Husnain Zia
Feb. 2017The ABCs of Financial Education: Experimental Evidence on Attitudes, Behavior, and Cognitive Biases
40Fenella Carpena, Shawn Cole, Jeremy Shapiro, and Bilal Zia
Jan. 2017Can research grants for science-industry collaboration: Do they spur innovation?
39Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie
Jan. 2017Are labor market imperfections the reason so few microenterprises hire workers? An experiment in Sri Lanka suggests they are not38Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christoper Woodruff
Nov. 2016Enhancing the Benefits of Formalization under a new status in Benin37Najy Benhassine, David McKenzie, Victor Pouliquen, and Massimiliano Santini
Apr. 2016Can wage subsidies boost employment in the wake of an economic crisis?36Miriam Bruhn
Mar. 2016Psychometrics as a Tool to Improve Access to Credit35

Irani Arráiz, Miriam Bruhn, and Rodolfo Stucchi

Nov. 2015

Spurring Innovation with Matching Grants: Evidence from Yemen

34David McKenzie, Nabila Assaf and Ana Paula Cusolito
Sep. 2015Creating jobs through a Business Plan Competition: Evidence from Nigeria's YouWiN! competition33David McKenzie
Nov. 2014Do special tax regimes for micro and small enterprises encourage formal firm creation? Do they lead firms to underreport revenues?32

Miriam Bruhn and Jan Loeprick

Oct. 2014

Piloting Macroinsurance for Microenterprises in Post-Revolution Egypt

31Matthew Groh, David McKenzie
Sep. 2014Testing Job Matching Services for Unemployed Educated Youth in Jordan
30Matthew Groh, David McKenzie, Nour Shammout and Tara Vishwanath
Aug. 2014Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Rural Pakistan
29Xavier Giné and Ghazala Mansuri
Jul. 2014

Financial Disclosure in Mexico: Evidence from an Audit Study


Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez and Rafael Mazer

Jun. 2014

Will Migrants Remit More if They Can Channel Payments Directly for Education? Lab-in-the-Field and Proof of Concept Trial Results


Giuseppe De Arcangelis, Majlinda Joxhe, David McKenzie, Erwin Tiongson and Dean Yang

Jan. 2014

The Impact of High School Financial Education: Large-Scale Experimental Evidence from Brazil

26Miriam Bruhn, Luciana Leão, Arianna Legovini, Rogelio Marchetti, and Bilal Zia

Jun. 2013

Why is voluntary financial education so unpopular? Evidence from Mexico


Miriam Bruhn, Gabriel Lara Ibarra and David McKenzie

May 2013

A Helping Hand or the Long Arm of the Law? Do carrots or sticks work best for bringing informal firms into the formal sector?


Gustavo Henrique de Andrade, Miriam Bruhn, and David McKenzie

Apr. 2013

Harnessing Emotional Connections to Improve Financial Decisions: Evaluating the Impact of Financial Education through Mainstream Media


Gunhild Berg and Bilal Zia

Feb. 2013

The impact of expanding simplified start-up procedures to more remote areas: The Minas Fácil Expresso program


Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie

Jan. 2013


Lessons for Matching Grant Programs from Failed Attempts to Evaluate Them


Francisco Campos, Aidan Coville, Ana Fernandes, Markus Goldstein, and David McKenzie

Oct. 2012

Business Training for New and Existing Female-Owned Firms in Sri Lanka


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzieand Christopher Woodruff

Oct. 2012

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants and their Families 


Yoko Doi, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia

May 2012

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants at Destination


John Gibson, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia

Mar. 2012

Do informal firms want to formalize and does it help them if they do? 


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff

Feb. 2012

Long-term impacts of one-off grants to microenterprises


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christopher Woodruff

Aug. 2011

The Impact of Commitment Savings Accounts: The Case of Malawi


Xavier Gine

Jun. 2011

Capital, Gender, and Microfinance Growth in Ghana


Marcel Fafchamps, David McKenzie, Simon Quinn, and Christopher Woodruff

May 2011

The Impact of Business and Financial Literacy Training for Young Entrepreneurs in Bosnia-Herzogovina


Miriam Bruhn and Bilal Zia

Dec. 2010

Spurring Development through a Seasonal Migration Program


John Gibson and David McKenzie

Oct. 2009

The Economic Impact of Expanding Access to Finance in Mexico


Miriam Bruhn and Inessa Love

Sep. 2009

The Results of a Pilot Financial Literacy and Business Planning Training Program for Women in Uganda


David McKenzie and Michaela Weber

Jun. 2009 

Do Marginal Firms in Bolivia Benefit from Formalizing?


David McKenzie

May 2009

Evaluating the Efficiency of a Bankruptcy Reform


Xavier Gine and Inessa Love

May 2009

Valuing Financial Literacy: Evidence from Indonesia


Bilal Zia

Apr. 2009

Why is More Capital Not Enough to Grow Female Businesses? 


David McKenzie

Mar. 2009

The Promise of Index Insurance


Xavier Gine

Feb. 2009

Does Business Registration Reform Increase Entrepreneurial Activity?


Miriam Bruhn

Feb. 2009

Which Microenterprises have High Returns to Capital?


David McKenzie

Feb. 2018

Do management interventions last? Evidence from an experiment in India


Nicholas Bloom, Aprajit Mahajan, David McKenzie, and John Roberts

Jan. 2018Designing Wage Contracts in Multi-goal Organizations46Xavier Giné, Ghazala Mansuri and Slesh A. Shrestha
Dec. 2017Learning the Impact of Financial Education When Take-Up is Low45Gabriel Lara Ibarra, David McKenzie, and Claudia Ruiz Ortega
Nov. 2017You Get What You Ask For: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study44Xavier Giné and Rafael Mazer
Oct. 2017The Power of Standardization: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study43Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez, and Rafael Mazer
Mar. 2017Business Training for Female Microenterprise Owners in Kenya Grew Their Firms without Harming Their Competitors42David McKenzie and Susana Puerto
Feb. 2017Pathways to Profits: Identifying Separate Channels of Business Growth through Business Training41Stephen Joseph Anderson-Macdonald, Rajesh Chandy, and Bilal Husnain Zia
Feb. 2017The ABCs of Financial Education: Experimental Evidence on Attitudes, Behavior, and Cognitive Biases
40Fenella Carpena, Shawn Cole, Jeremy Shapiro, and Bilal Zia
Jan. 2017Can research grants for science-industry collaboration: Do they spur innovation?
39Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie
Jan. 2017Are labor market imperfections the reason so few microenterprises hire workers? An experiment in Sri Lanka suggests they are not38Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christoper Woodruff
Nov. 2016Enhancing the Benefits of Formalization under a new status in Benin37Najy Benhassine, David McKenzie, Victor Pouliquen, and Massimiliano Santini
Apr. 2016Can wage subsidies boost employment in the wake of an economic crisis?36Miriam Bruhn
Mar. 2016Psychometrics as a Tool to Improve Access to Credit35

Irani Arráiz, Miriam Bruhn, and Rodolfo Stucchi

Nov. 2015

Spurring Innovation with Matching Grants: Evidence from Yemen

34David McKenzie, Nabila Assaf and Ana Paula Cusolito
Sep. 2015Creating jobs through a Business Plan Competition: Evidence from Nigeria's YouWiN! competition33David McKenzie
Nov. 2014Do special tax regimes for micro and small enterprises encourage formal firm creation? Do they lead firms to underreport revenues?32

Miriam Bruhn and Jan Loeprick

Oct. 2014

Piloting Macroinsurance for Microenterprises in Post-Revolution Egypt

31Matthew Groh, David McKenzie
Sep. 2014Testing Job Matching Services for Unemployed Educated Youth in Jordan
30Matthew Groh, David McKenzie, Nour Shammout and Tara Vishwanath
Aug. 2014Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Rural Pakistan
29Xavier Giné and Ghazala Mansuri
Jul. 2014

Financial Disclosure in Mexico: Evidence from an Audit Study


Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez and Rafael Mazer

Jun. 2014

Will Migrants Remit More if They Can Channel Payments Directly for Education? Lab-in-the-Field and Proof of Concept Trial Results


Giuseppe De Arcangelis, Majlinda Joxhe, David McKenzie, Erwin Tiongson and Dean Yang

Jan. 2014

The Impact of High School Financial Education: Large-Scale Experimental Evidence from Brazil

26Miriam Bruhn, Luciana Leão, Arianna Legovini, Rogelio Marchetti, and Bilal Zia

Jun. 2013

Why is voluntary financial education so unpopular? Evidence from Mexico


Miriam Bruhn, Gabriel Lara Ibarra and David McKenzie

May 2013

A Helping Hand or the Long Arm of the Law? Do carrots or sticks work best for bringing informal firms into the formal sector?


Gustavo Henrique de Andrade, Miriam Bruhn, and David McKenzie

Apr. 2013

Harnessing Emotional Connections to Improve Financial Decisions: Evaluating the Impact of Financial Education through Mainstream Media


Gunhild Berg and Bilal Zia

Feb. 2013

The impact of expanding simplified start-up procedures to more remote areas: The Minas Fácil Expresso program


Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie

Jan. 2013


Lessons for Matching Grant Programs from Failed Attempts to Evaluate Them


Francisco Campos, Aidan Coville, Ana Fernandes, Markus Goldstein, and David McKenzie

Oct. 2012

Business Training for New and Existing Female-Owned Firms in Sri Lanka


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzieand Christopher Woodruff

Oct. 2012

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants and their Families 


Yoko Doi, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia

May 2012

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants at Destination


John Gibson, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia

Mar. 2012

Do informal firms want to formalize and does it help them if they do? 


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff

Feb. 2012

Long-term impacts of one-off grants to microenterprises


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christopher Woodruff

Aug. 2011

The Impact of Commitment Savings Accounts: The Case of Malawi


Xavier Gine

Jun. 2011

Capital, Gender, and Microfinance Growth in Ghana


Marcel Fafchamps, David McKenzie, Simon Quinn, and Christopher Woodruff

May 2011

The Impact of Business and Financial Literacy Training for Young Entrepreneurs in Bosnia-Herzogovina


Miriam Bruhn and Bilal Zia

Dec. 2010

Spurring Development through a Seasonal Migration Program


John Gibson and David McKenzie

Oct. 2009

The Economic Impact of Expanding Access to Finance in Mexico


Miriam Bruhn and Inessa Love

Sep. 2009

The Results of a Pilot Financial Literacy and Business Planning Training Program for Women in Uganda


David McKenzie and Michaela Weber

Jun. 2009 

Do Marginal Firms in Bolivia Benefit from Formalizing?


David McKenzie

May 2009

Evaluating the Efficiency of a Bankruptcy Reform


Xavier Gine and Inessa Love

May 2009

Valuing Financial Literacy: Evidence from Indonesia


Bilal Zia

Apr. 2009

Why is More Capital Not Enough to Grow Female Businesses? 


David McKenzie

Mar. 2009

The Promise of Index Insurance


Xavier Gine

Feb. 2009

Does Business Registration Reform Increase Entrepreneurial Activity?


Miriam Bruhn

Feb. 2009

Which Microenterprises have High Returns to Capital?


David McKenzie

Feb. 2018

Do management interventions last? Evidence from an experiment in India


Nicholas Bloom, Aprajit Mahajan, David McKenzie, and John Roberts

Jan. 2018Designing Wage Contracts in Multi-goal Organizations46Xavier Giné, Ghazala Mansuri and Slesh A. Shrestha
Dec. 2017Learning the Impact of Financial Education When Take-Up is Low45Gabriel Lara Ibarra, David McKenzie, and Claudia Ruiz Ortega
Nov. 2017You Get What You Ask For: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study44Xavier Giné and Rafael Mazer
Oct. 2017The Power of Standardization: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study43Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez, and Rafael Mazer
Mar. 2017Business Training for Female Microenterprise Owners in Kenya Grew Their Firms without Harming Their Competitors42David McKenzie and Susana Puerto
Feb. 2017Pathways to Profits: Identifying Separate Channels of Business Growth through Business Training41Stephen Joseph Anderson-Macdonald, Rajesh Chandy, and Bilal Husnain Zia
Feb. 2017The ABCs of Financial Education: Experimental Evidence on Attitudes, Behavior, and Cognitive Biases
40Fenella Carpena, Shawn Cole, Jeremy Shapiro, and Bilal Zia
Jan. 2017Can research grants for science-industry collaboration: Do they spur innovation?
39Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie
Jan. 2017Are labor market imperfections the reason so few microenterprises hire workers? An experiment in Sri Lanka suggests they are not38Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christoper Woodruff
Nov. 2016Enhancing the Benefits of Formalization under a new status in Benin37Najy Benhassine, David McKenzie, Victor Pouliquen, and Massimiliano Santini
Apr. 2016Can wage subsidies boost employment in the wake of an economic crisis?36Miriam Bruhn
Mar. 2016Psychometrics as a Tool to Improve Access to Credit35

Irani Arráiz, Miriam Bruhn, and Rodolfo Stucchi

Nov. 2015

Spurring Innovation with Matching Grants: Evidence from Yemen

34David McKenzie, Nabila Assaf and Ana Paula Cusolito
Sep. 2015Creating jobs through a Business Plan Competition: Evidence from Nigeria's YouWiN! competition33David McKenzie
Nov. 2014Do special tax regimes for micro and small enterprises encourage formal firm creation? Do they lead firms to underreport revenues?32

Miriam Bruhn and Jan Loeprick

Oct. 2014

Piloting Macroinsurance for Microenterprises in Post-Revolution Egypt

31Matthew Groh, David McKenzie
Sep. 2014Testing Job Matching Services for Unemployed Educated Youth in Jordan
30Matthew Groh, David McKenzie, Nour Shammout and Tara Vishwanath
Aug. 2014Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Rural Pakistan
29Xavier Giné and Ghazala Mansuri
Jul. 2014

Financial Disclosure in Mexico: Evidence from an Audit Study


Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez and Rafael Mazer

Jun. 2014

Will Migrants Remit More if They Can Channel Payments Directly for Education? Lab-in-the-Field and Proof of Concept Trial Results


Giuseppe De Arcangelis, Majlinda Joxhe, David McKenzie, Erwin Tiongson and Dean Yang

Jan. 2014

The Impact of High School Financial Education: Large-Scale Experimental Evidence from Brazil

26Miriam Bruhn, Luciana Leão, Arianna Legovini, Rogelio Marchetti, and Bilal Zia

Jun. 2013

Why is voluntary financial education so unpopular? Evidence from Mexico


Miriam Bruhn, Gabriel Lara Ibarra and David McKenzie

May 2013

A Helping Hand or the Long Arm of the Law? Do carrots or sticks work best for bringing informal firms into the formal sector?


Gustavo Henrique de Andrade, Miriam Bruhn, and David McKenzie

Apr. 2013

Harnessing Emotional Connections to Improve Financial Decisions: Evaluating the Impact of Financial Education through Mainstream Media


Gunhild Berg and Bilal Zia

Feb. 2013

The impact of expanding simplified start-up procedures to more remote areas: The Minas Fácil Expresso program


Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie

Jan. 2013


Lessons for Matching Grant Programs from Failed Attempts to Evaluate Them


Francisco Campos, Aidan Coville, Ana Fernandes, Markus Goldstein, and David McKenzie

Oct. 2012

Business Training for New and Existing Female-Owned Firms in Sri Lanka


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzieand Christopher Woodruff

Oct. 2012

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants and their Families 


Yoko Doi, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia

May 2012

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants at Destination


John Gibson, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia

Mar. 2012

Do informal firms want to formalize and does it help them if they do? 


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff

Feb. 2012

Long-term impacts of one-off grants to microenterprises


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christopher Woodruff

Aug. 2011

The Impact of Commitment Savings Accounts: The Case of Malawi


Xavier Gine

Jun. 2011

Capital, Gender, and Microfinance Growth in Ghana


Marcel Fafchamps, David McKenzie, Simon Quinn, and Christopher Woodruff

May 2011

The Impact of Business and Financial Literacy Training for Young Entrepreneurs in Bosnia-Herzogovina


Miriam Bruhn and Bilal Zia

Dec. 2010

Spurring Development through a Seasonal Migration Program


John Gibson and David McKenzie

Oct. 2009

The Economic Impact of Expanding Access to Finance in Mexico


Miriam Bruhn and Inessa Love

Sep. 2009

The Results of a Pilot Financial Literacy and Business Planning Training Program for Women in Uganda


David McKenzie and Michaela Weber

Jun. 2009 

Do Marginal Firms in Bolivia Benefit from Formalizing?


David McKenzie

May 2009

Evaluating the Efficiency of a Bankruptcy Reform


Xavier Gine and Inessa Love

May 2009

Valuing Financial Literacy: Evidence from Indonesia


Bilal Zia

Apr. 2009

Why is More Capital Not Enough to Grow Female Businesses? 


David McKenzie

Mar. 2009

The Promise of Index Insurance


Xavier Gine

Feb. 2009

Does Business Registration Reform Increase Entrepreneurial Activity?


Miriam Bruhn

Feb. 2009

Which Microenterprises have High Returns to Capital?


David McKenzie

Feb. 2018

Do management interventions last? Evidence from an experiment in India


Nicholas Bloom, Aprajit Mahajan, David McKenzie, and John Roberts

Jan. 2018Designing Wage Contracts in Multi-goal Organizations46Xavier Giné, Ghazala Mansuri and Slesh A. Shrestha
Dec. 2017Learning the Impact of Financial Education When Take-Up is Low45Gabriel Lara Ibarra, David McKenzie, and Claudia Ruiz Ortega
Nov. 2017You Get What You Ask For: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study44Xavier Giné and Rafael Mazer
Oct. 2017The Power of Standardization: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study43Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez, and Rafael Mazer
Mar. 2017Business Training for Female Microenterprise Owners in Kenya Grew Their Firms without Harming Their Competitors42David McKenzie and Susana Puerto
Feb. 2017Pathways to Profits: Identifying Separate Channels of Business Growth through Business Training41Stephen Joseph Anderson-Macdonald, Rajesh Chandy, and Bilal Husnain Zia
Feb. 2017The ABCs of Financial Education: Experimental Evidence on Attitudes, Behavior, and Cognitive Biases
40Fenella Carpena, Shawn Cole, Jeremy Shapiro, and Bilal Zia
Jan. 2017Can research grants for science-industry collaboration: Do they spur innovation?
39Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie
Jan. 2017Are labor market imperfections the reason so few microenterprises hire workers? An experiment in Sri Lanka suggests they are not38Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christoper Woodruff
Nov. 2016Enhancing the Benefits of Formalization under a new status in Benin37Najy Benhassine, David McKenzie, Victor Pouliquen, and Massimiliano Santini
Apr. 2016Can wage subsidies boost employment in the wake of an economic crisis?36Miriam Bruhn
Mar. 2016Psychometrics as a Tool to Improve Access to Credit35

Irani Arráiz, Miriam Bruhn, and Rodolfo Stucchi

Nov. 2015

Spurring Innovation with Matching Grants: Evidence from Yemen

34David McKenzie, Nabila Assaf and Ana Paula Cusolito
Sep. 2015Creating jobs through a Business Plan Competition: Evidence from Nigeria's YouWiN! competition33David McKenzie
Nov. 2014Do special tax regimes for micro and small enterprises encourage formal firm creation? Do they lead firms to underreport revenues?32

Miriam Bruhn and Jan Loeprick

Oct. 2014

Piloting Macroinsurance for Microenterprises in Post-Revolution Egypt

31Matthew Groh, David McKenzie
Sep. 2014Testing Job Matching Services for Unemployed Educated Youth in Jordan
30Matthew Groh, David McKenzie, Nour Shammout and Tara Vishwanath
Aug. 2014Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Rural Pakistan
29Xavier Giné and Ghazala Mansuri
Jul. 2014

Financial Disclosure in Mexico: Evidence from an Audit Study


Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez and Rafael Mazer

Jun. 2014

Will Migrants Remit More if They Can Channel Payments Directly for Education? Lab-in-the-Field and Proof of Concept Trial Results


Giuseppe De Arcangelis, Majlinda Joxhe, David McKenzie, Erwin Tiongson and Dean Yang

Jan. 2014

The Impact of High School Financial Education: Large-Scale Experimental Evidence from Brazil

26Miriam Bruhn, Luciana Leão, Arianna Legovini, Rogelio Marchetti, and Bilal Zia

Jun. 2013

Why is voluntary financial education so unpopular? Evidence from Mexico


Miriam Bruhn, Gabriel Lara Ibarra and David McKenzie

May 2013

A Helping Hand or the Long Arm of the Law? Do carrots or sticks work best for bringing informal firms into the formal sector?


Gustavo Henrique de Andrade, Miriam Bruhn, and David McKenzie

Apr. 2013

Harnessing Emotional Connections to Improve Financial Decisions: Evaluating the Impact of Financial Education through Mainstream Media


Gunhild Berg and Bilal Zia

Feb. 2013

The impact of expanding simplified start-up procedures to more remote areas: The Minas Fácil Expresso program


Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie

Jan. 2013


Lessons for Matching Grant Programs from Failed Attempts to Evaluate Them


Francisco Campos, Aidan Coville, Ana Fernandes, Markus Goldstein, and David McKenzie

Oct. 2012

Business Training for New and Existing Female-Owned Firms in Sri Lanka


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzieand Christopher Woodruff

Oct. 2012

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants and their Families 


Yoko Doi, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia

May 2012

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants at Destination


John Gibson, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia

Mar. 2012

Do informal firms want to formalize and does it help them if they do? 


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff

Feb. 2012

Long-term impacts of one-off grants to microenterprises


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christopher Woodruff

Aug. 2011

The Impact of Commitment Savings Accounts: The Case of Malawi


Xavier Gine

Jun. 2011

Capital, Gender, and Microfinance Growth in Ghana


Marcel Fafchamps, David McKenzie, Simon Quinn, and Christopher Woodruff

May 2011

The Impact of Business and Financial Literacy Training for Young Entrepreneurs in Bosnia-Herzogovina


Miriam Bruhn and Bilal Zia

Dec. 2010

Spurring Development through a Seasonal Migration Program


John Gibson and David McKenzie

Oct. 2009

The Economic Impact of Expanding Access to Finance in Mexico


Miriam Bruhn and Inessa Love

Sep. 2009

The Results of a Pilot Financial Literacy and Business Planning Training Program for Women in Uganda


David McKenzie and Michaela Weber

Jun. 2009 

Do Marginal Firms in Bolivia Benefit from Formalizing?


David McKenzie

May 2009

Evaluating the Efficiency of a Bankruptcy Reform


Xavier Gine and Inessa Love

May 2009

Valuing Financial Literacy: Evidence from Indonesia


Bilal Zia

Apr. 2009

Why is More Capital Not Enough to Grow Female Businesses? 


David McKenzie

Mar. 2009

The Promise of Index Insurance


Xavier Gine

Feb. 2009

Does Business Registration Reform Increase Entrepreneurial Activity?


Miriam Bruhn

Feb. 2009

Which Microenterprises have High Returns to Capital?


David McKenzie

Feb. 2018

Do management interventions last? Evidence from an experiment in India


Nicholas Bloom, Aprajit Mahajan, David McKenzie, and John Roberts

Jan. 2018Designing Wage Contracts in Multi-goal Organizations46Xavier Giné, Ghazala Mansuri and Slesh A. Shrestha
Dec. 2017Learning the Impact of Financial Education When Take-Up is Low45Gabriel Lara Ibarra, David McKenzie, and Claudia Ruiz Ortega
Nov. 2017You Get What You Ask For: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study44Xavier Giné and Rafael Mazer
Oct. 2017The Power of Standardization: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study43Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez, and Rafael Mazer
Mar. 2017Business Training for Female Microenterprise Owners in Kenya Grew Their Firms without Harming Their Competitors42David McKenzie and Susana Puerto
Feb. 2017Pathways to Profits: Identifying Separate Channels of Business Growth through Business Training41Stephen Joseph Anderson-Macdonald, Rajesh Chandy, and Bilal Husnain Zia
Feb. 2017The ABCs of Financial Education: Experimental Evidence on Attitudes, Behavior, and Cognitive Biases
40Fenella Carpena, Shawn Cole, Jeremy Shapiro, and Bilal Zia
Jan. 2017Can research grants for science-industry collaboration: Do they spur innovation?
39Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie
Jan. 2017Are labor market imperfections the reason so few microenterprises hire workers? An experiment in Sri Lanka suggests they are not38Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christoper Woodruff
Nov. 2016Enhancing the Benefits of Formalization under a new status in Benin37Najy Benhassine, David McKenzie, Victor Pouliquen, and Massimiliano Santini
Apr. 2016Can wage subsidies boost employment in the wake of an economic crisis?36Miriam Bruhn
Mar. 2016Psychometrics as a Tool to Improve Access to Credit35

Irani Arráiz, Miriam Bruhn, and Rodolfo Stucchi

Nov. 2015

Spurring Innovation with Matching Grants: Evidence from Yemen

34David McKenzie, Nabila Assaf and Ana Paula Cusolito
Sep. 2015Creating jobs through a Business Plan Competition: Evidence from Nigeria's YouWiN! competition33David McKenzie
Nov. 2014Do special tax regimes for micro and small enterprises encourage formal firm creation? Do they lead firms to underreport revenues?32

Miriam Bruhn and Jan Loeprick

Oct. 2014

Piloting Macroinsurance for Microenterprises in Post-Revolution Egypt

31Matthew Groh, David McKenzie
Sep. 2014Testing Job Matching Services for Unemployed Educated Youth in Jordan
30Matthew Groh, David McKenzie, Nour Shammout and Tara Vishwanath
Aug. 2014Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Rural Pakistan
29Xavier Giné and Ghazala Mansuri
Jul. 2014

Financial Disclosure in Mexico: Evidence from an Audit Study


Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez and Rafael Mazer

Jun. 2014

Will Migrants Remit More if They Can Channel Payments Directly for Education? Lab-in-the-Field and Proof of Concept Trial Results


Giuseppe De Arcangelis, Majlinda Joxhe, David McKenzie, Erwin Tiongson and Dean Yang

Jan. 2014

The Impact of High School Financial Education: Large-Scale Experimental Evidence from Brazil

26Miriam Bruhn, Luciana Leão, Arianna Legovini, Rogelio Marchetti, and Bilal Zia

Jun. 2013

Why is voluntary financial education so unpopular? Evidence from Mexico


Miriam Bruhn, Gabriel Lara Ibarra and David McKenzie

May 2013

A Helping Hand or the Long Arm of the Law? Do carrots or sticks work best for bringing informal firms into the formal sector?


Gustavo Henrique de Andrade, Miriam Bruhn, and David McKenzie

Apr. 2013

Harnessing Emotional Connections to Improve Financial Decisions: Evaluating the Impact of Financial Education through Mainstream Media


Gunhild Berg and Bilal Zia

Feb. 2013

The impact of expanding simplified start-up procedures to more remote areas: The Minas Fácil Expresso program


Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie

Jan. 2013


Lessons for Matching Grant Programs from Failed Attempts to Evaluate Them


Francisco Campos, Aidan Coville, Ana Fernandes, Markus Goldstein, and David McKenzie

Oct. 2012

Business Training for New and Existing Female-Owned Firms in Sri Lanka


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzieand Christopher Woodruff

Oct. 2012

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants and their Families 


Yoko Doi, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia

May 2012

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants at Destination


John Gibson, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia

Mar. 2012

Do informal firms want to formalize and does it help them if they do? 


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff

Feb. 2012

Long-term impacts of one-off grants to microenterprises


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christopher Woodruff

Aug. 2011

The Impact of Commitment Savings Accounts: The Case of Malawi


Xavier Gine

Jun. 2011

Capital, Gender, and Microfinance Growth in Ghana


Marcel Fafchamps, David McKenzie, Simon Quinn, and Christopher Woodruff

May 2011

The Impact of Business and Financial Literacy Training for Young Entrepreneurs in Bosnia-Herzogovina


Miriam Bruhn and Bilal Zia

Dec. 2010

Spurring Development through a Seasonal Migration Program


John Gibson and David McKenzie

Oct. 2009

The Economic Impact of Expanding Access to Finance in Mexico


Miriam Bruhn and Inessa Love

Sep. 2009

The Results of a Pilot Financial Literacy and Business Planning Training Program for Women in Uganda


David McKenzie and Michaela Weber

Jun. 2009 

Do Marginal Firms in Bolivia Benefit from Formalizing?


David McKenzie

May 2009

Evaluating the Efficiency of a Bankruptcy Reform


Xavier Gine and Inessa Love

May 2009

Valuing Financial Literacy: Evidence from Indonesia


Bilal Zia

Apr. 2009

Why is More Capital Not Enough to Grow Female Businesses? 


David McKenzie

Mar. 2009

The Promise of Index Insurance


Xavier Gine

Feb. 2009

Does Business Registration Reform Increase Entrepreneurial Activity?


Miriam Bruhn

Feb. 2009

Which Microenterprises have High Returns to Capital?


David McKenzie

Feb. 2018

Do management interventions last? Evidence from an experiment in India


Nicholas Bloom, Aprajit Mahajan, David McKenzie, and John Roberts

Jan. 2018Designing Wage Contracts in Multi-goal Organizations46Xavier Giné, Ghazala Mansuri and Slesh A. Shrestha
Dec. 2017Learning the Impact of Financial Education When Take-Up is Low45Gabriel Lara Ibarra, David McKenzie, and Claudia Ruiz Ortega
Nov. 2017You Get What You Ask For: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study44Xavier Giné and Rafael Mazer
Oct. 2017The Power of Standardization: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study43Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez, and Rafael Mazer
Mar. 2017Business Training for Female Microenterprise Owners in Kenya Grew Their Firms without Harming Their Competitors42David McKenzie and Susana Puerto
Feb. 2017Pathways to Profits: Identifying Separate Channels of Business Growth through Business Training41Stephen Joseph Anderson-Macdonald, Rajesh Chandy, and Bilal Husnain Zia
Feb. 2017The ABCs of Financial Education: Experimental Evidence on Attitudes, Behavior, and Cognitive Biases
40Fenella Carpena, Shawn Cole, Jeremy Shapiro, and Bilal Zia
Jan. 2017Can research grants for science-industry collaboration: Do they spur innovation?
39Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie
Jan. 2017Are labor market imperfections the reason so few microenterprises hire workers? An experiment in Sri Lanka suggests they are not38Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christoper Woodruff
Nov. 2016Enhancing the Benefits of Formalization under a new status in Benin37Najy Benhassine, David McKenzie, Victor Pouliquen, and Massimiliano Santini
Apr. 2016Can wage subsidies boost employment in the wake of an economic crisis?36Miriam Bruhn
Mar. 2016Psychometrics as a Tool to Improve Access to Credit35

Irani Arráiz, Miriam Bruhn, and Rodolfo Stucchi

Nov. 2015

Spurring Innovation with Matching Grants: Evidence from Yemen

34David McKenzie, Nabila Assaf and Ana Paula Cusolito
Sep. 2015Creating jobs through a Business Plan Competition: Evidence from Nigeria's YouWiN! competition33David McKenzie
Nov. 2014Do special tax regimes for micro and small enterprises encourage formal firm creation? Do they lead firms to underreport revenues?32

Miriam Bruhn and Jan Loeprick

Oct. 2014

Piloting Macroinsurance for Microenterprises in Post-Revolution Egypt

31Matthew Groh, David McKenzie
Sep. 2014Testing Job Matching Services for Unemployed Educated Youth in Jordan
30Matthew Groh, David McKenzie, Nour Shammout and Tara Vishwanath
Aug. 2014Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Rural Pakistan
29Xavier Giné and Ghazala Mansuri
Jul. 2014

Financial Disclosure in Mexico: Evidence from an Audit Study


Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez and Rafael Mazer

Jun. 2014

Will Migrants Remit More if They Can Channel Payments Directly for Education? Lab-in-the-Field and Proof of Concept Trial Results


Giuseppe De Arcangelis, Majlinda Joxhe, David McKenzie, Erwin Tiongson and Dean Yang

Jan. 2014

The Impact of High School Financial Education: Large-Scale Experimental Evidence from Brazil

26Miriam Bruhn, Luciana Leão, Arianna Legovini, Rogelio Marchetti, and Bilal Zia

Jun. 2013

Why is voluntary financial education so unpopular? Evidence from Mexico


Miriam Bruhn, Gabriel Lara Ibarra and David McKenzie

May 2013

A Helping Hand or the Long Arm of the Law? Do carrots or sticks work best for bringing informal firms into the formal sector?


Gustavo Henrique de Andrade, Miriam Bruhn, and David McKenzie

Apr. 2013

Harnessing Emotional Connections to Improve Financial Decisions: Evaluating the Impact of Financial Education through Mainstream Media


Gunhild Berg and Bilal Zia

Feb. 2013

The impact of expanding simplified start-up procedures to more remote areas: The Minas Fácil Expresso program


Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie

Jan. 2013


Lessons for Matching Grant Programs from Failed Attempts to Evaluate Them


Francisco Campos, Aidan Coville, Ana Fernandes, Markus Goldstein, and David McKenzie

Oct. 2012

Business Training for New and Existing Female-Owned Firms in Sri Lanka


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzieand Christopher Woodruff

Oct. 2012

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants and their Families 


Yoko Doi, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia

May 2012

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants at Destination


John Gibson, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia

Mar. 2012

Do informal firms want to formalize and does it help them if they do? 


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff

Feb. 2012

Long-term impacts of one-off grants to microenterprises


Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christopher Woodruff

Aug. 2011

The Impact of Commitment Savings Accounts: The Case of Malawi


Xavier Gine

Jun. 2011

Capital, Gender, and Microfinance Growth in Ghana


Marcel Fafchamps, David McKenzie, Simon Quinn, and Christopher Woodruff

May 2011

The Impact of Business and Financial Literacy Training for Young Entrepreneurs in Bosnia-Herzogovina


Miriam Bruhn and Bilal Zia

Dec. 2010

Spurring Development through a Seasonal Migration Program


John Gibson and David McKenzie

Oct. 2009

The Economic Impact of Expanding Access to Finance in Mexico


Miriam Bruhn and Inessa Love

Sep. 2009

The Results of a Pilot Financial Literacy and Business Planning Training Program for Women in Uganda


David McKenzie and Michaela Weber

Jun. 2009 

Do Marginal Firms in Bolivia Benefit from Formalizing?


David McKenzie

May 2009

Evaluating the Efficiency of a Bankruptcy Reform


Xavier Gine and Inessa Love

May 2009

Valuing Financial Literacy: Evidence from Indonesia


Bilal Zia

Apr. 2009

Why is More Capital Not Enough to Grow Female Businesses? 


David McKenzie

Mar. 2009

The Promise of Index Insurance


Xavier Gine

Feb. 2009

Does Business Registration Reform Increase Entrepreneurial Activity?


Miriam Bruhn

Feb. 2009

Which Microenterprises have High Returns to Capital?


David McKenzie