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BRIEF November 18, 2019

Building Effective, Accountable, and Inclusive Institutions in Europe and Central Asia


  • Strengthening Public Policy Processes

    The process of implementing policies, programs and services delivered by governments starts with the identification of issues to be addressed. How are problems identified and prioritized, and who participates in this process? Evidence suggests that engaging stakeholders across all levels and sectors in public administration, as well as citizens’ groups and others, can narrow the gap between policy formulation and implementation.

    Watch the session here

  • Managing Public Resources Effectively

    Managing public resources includes raising revenue through taxation, budgeting, procurement, and conducting the public administration and civil service. Orchestrating government to deliver maximum results to citizens, in the most cost-effective way, is an ongoing challenge to managing public services. Effectively managing public resources requires reforms in three areas: revenue mobilization, public financial management, and public administration.

    Watch the session here

  • Governance of Service Delivery

    Public services are a primary concern of citizens. As such, governments are tasked with delivering a wide array of services – from basic education, health and social services, to protection and access to justice, among others. Building effective and inclusive institutions is not merely about resources, but about enhancing the coverage and improving the quality of public services.

    Watch the session here

  • Strengthening Public-Private Collaboration and Economic Governance

    Public-private collaboration is productive only if it achieves efficient, equitable economic growth through the optimal use of private sector strengths (capital, expertise), public sector tools (public investment planning and management systems, regulation, public spending) and civil society influence (independent, people-centric agenda setting). To ensure sustainable growth, the public and private sectors must leverage their key strengths and acknowledge their interdependence to meet the aspirations of citizens today and in the future.

    Watch the session here

  • Drivers and Enablers of Policy Effectiveness

    The policy process typically follows phases of formulation and planning, revenue generation and allocation, and implementation, including the delivery of public goods and services. Political economy considerations, and other underlying factors that may influence public actions, often play as important a role as technical or high-level political decisions. Understanding these factors is crucial to navigating the constraints and leveraging political opportunities in the policy process.

    Watch the video here

  • The Promise of GovTech

    GovTech harnesses technologies to help societies address challenges in areas that affect the general population – such as healthcare, energy, transportation, urban congestion, and waste management. GovTech can enhance dialogue between public administration and innovators to find smart and effective solutions that help the public service improve the delivery of public services to businesses and citizens alike.

    Watch the session here

Around the world, countries are facing increasing pressure on public resources, complex service delivery needs, demands for transparency and inclusion, and increased global fragility and migration flows. The ability of governments to respond to these challenges is often stretched, while citizens’ expectations continue to rise, resulting in dissatisfaction and lack of trust. In Europe and Central Asia, governments must overcome these challenges as they work to create effective, accountable and inclusive public institutions that can promote inclusive growth and development.

In June 2019, the Europe and Central Asia Regional Governance Conference brought together over 500 delegates from local governments, international development partners, academics, private sector, and civil society groups to take stock of reforms to improve governance in the region, and discuss ways to inspire next generation changes in improving governance practices.

The Conference discussions centered around 6 key governance themes:

  1. Strengthening Public Policy Processes
  2. Managing Public Resources Effectively
  3. Governance of Service Delivery
  4. Strengthening Public-Private Collaboration and Economic Governance
  5. Drivers and Enablers of Policy Effectiveness
  6. The Promise of GovTech


Further Reading

Presentations - Country Examples