The Business Environment, Financial Sector and Investment Policy TA Program

December 24, 2015


This $3.2 million World Bank-executed technical assistance program aims to improve the business climate for the private sector, especially for microenterprises, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and agricultural small holders by:

  • reducing the time and cost of doing business
  • introducing more effective and predictable investment and commercial policies, and
  • strengthening the regulatory framework and financial infrastructure for expanded access to financial services and markets for MSMEs and smallholder

The program comprises four components; business climate, investment policy and strategy, access to finance, and market institutional development. Main counterparts include the Office of the President and Cabinet leading the Doing Businessreforms and investment policy work, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe leading the access to finance work, and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development on the mining fiscal framework and SMEs. Other counterparts include the Zimbabwe Investment Authority, Ministries of SME Development, and the Mines and Mineral Development.

This program is supported by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Finance & Markets and the Trade and Competitiveness global practices within the World Bank Group (WBG).
