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Scaling Climate Action by Lowering Emissions

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About the Program


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Scaling Climate Action by Lowering Emissions (SCALE), a multi-donor fund, seeks to catalyze transformative climate action by deploying Results-Based Climate Finance, helping to bridge the financial gap by supporting countries to access international carbon markets. Read more


Game Changers for a Livable Planet

Carbon Markets

Carbon markets could be a game changer in advancing climate action. But they have to be trustworthy, transparent, result in real climate mitigation and bring tangible benefits, especially for developing countries, if they are to make a real difference.

Climate Explainer

What You Need to Know About Results-Based Climate Finance

The World Bank and other development finance institutions have increasingly used Results-Based Climate Finance (RBCF) in developing countries to incentivize climate action and help countries achieve their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. How will RBCF catalyze transformative climate action? We asked Erwin De Nys, Manager at the World Bank’s Climate Funds Management Unit, to explain the significance of RBCF.

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Kym Smithies
World Bank 1818 H St, NW Washington, DC 20433, USA