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Comoros: Competitiveness and Economic Transformation for Jobs


Country: Comoros

Duration: 2021-2023

Themes: Promoting Technology Adoption to Raise Productivity, Supporting Entrepreneurship and SME Growth

Cross Cutting Themes: Gender, Digital

Anticipated Impact Areas: Private Investment, Productivity

The Challenge

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a significant downturn to the Comorian economy with negative impacts on the private sector, including regional and global supply chain disruptions. Accelerating the adoption of digital technologies could lay the foundation for post-Covid recovery and a stronger participation of the economy in value chains. Fostering women entrepreneurship and addressing gender gaps in the country could also help reverse the negative trends of women participation in economic activities and help sustain inclusion and job creation in the long term.

The Mission

C-JET is funding a grant which will be implemented by the World Bank in Comoros. Activities under the grant include data collection on technology adoption with a focus on gender to identify suitable policy options that will be presented through a workshop for public and private sector stakeholders. Results from the data collection will enable the design of innovative pilots based on best practices for adoption of digital technology, with special focus on women entrepreneurs. These activities and more aim to support the acceleration of innovative digital technology towards the promotion of economic transformation, job creation, and resilient post-COVID recovery.