Cameroon, Central African Republic, and Chad: Communications Infrastructure and Technology Project [Central African Backbone - APL1A]

September 24, 2009

Cameroon: IDA Credit (Adaptable Program Lending): US$9.9 million equivalent
Central African Republic: IDA Grant (Adaptable Program Lending): US$7.3 million equivalent
Chad: IDA Grant (Adaptable Program Lending): US$9 million equivalent
Terms: Vertical APL with trigger based disbursements
Project ID: P108368
Project Description: The Central African Backbone (CAB) Program Project for the countries of Cameroon, the Central African Republic, and Chad aims to contribute to increase the geographical reach and usage of regional broadband network services and reduce their prices. There are four components to the project, the first component being enabling environment. This component aims to: (i) promote further regional market integration; (ii) strengthen the legal, regulatory, and institutional framework; (iii) support market liberalization; and (iv) promote the establishment of infrastructure that once in place is accessible to all service providers on open, transparent, competitive, and nondiscriminatory terms. The second component is the connectivity. The third component is the eGovernment and flagship Information and Communication Technology (ICT) applications. Finally, the fourth component is the project management. Depending on the specific implementation arrangements for each country, this component may include elements such as human resources support with management, procurement, financial management, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), internal and external audit, communications expertise, operating expenses, and equipments.

Media Contacts
Herbert Boh
Tel : (202) 473-3548

