Pakistan - Electricity Distribution and Transmission Improvement Project

June 17, 2008

IDA Credit/IBRD Loan: US$256.85
IDA Credit: US$83.1 million
TERMS: Maturity = 35 Years; Grace Period = 10 Years
IBRD Loan: US$173.6 million
TERMS: Maturity = 30 Years; Grace Period = 5 Years
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Electricity Distribution and Transmission Improvement Project will strengthen the (i) capacity of the distribution and transmission networks to meet increasing electricity demand in the selected project areas more efficiently and with better reliability and quality and (ii) institutional capacity of selected distribution companies and support other priority areas of the power sector reform. The project components include: (a) physical strengthening of distribution networks operated by distribution companies located in Hyderabad, Islamabad, Lahore and Multan; (b) removing bottlenecks in the transmission grid operated by the national transmission company through the construction of a substation at Kassowal and associated lines; (c) technical assistance for capacity building, specialized studies, energy efficiency, and sector reform activities; and (d) a pilot energy efficiency program, involving installation of energy saving equipment at the customer level.

Media Contacts
Erik Nora
Tel : (202) 458-4735

