Madagascar: Fourth Poverty Reduction Support Credit

July 31, 2007

IDA CREDIT: US$40 million
TERMS: Grace = 10 years; Maturity = 40 years

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The goal of the Fourth Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC 4) is to support the implementation of the Government’s new poverty reduction strategy, the Madagascar Action Plan (MAP). The PRSC 4, the first of a new series of three PRSCs of US$40 million each, will help further refine the regulatory and institutional governance framework. Additional support will be given to governance challenges in the revenue agencies and in sensitive sectors such as forestry and mining. The PRSC series will complement the Bank’s existing investment portfolio by strengthening nutrition and by supporting the implementation of sector-wide approaches in health, education and water supply.

Media Contacts
Tim Carrington
Tel : (202) 473 813

