The peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean are known to thrive on success. Even when facing major challenges, their stories of innovation and creativity are worth telling. Thanks to the hard work of those who live and invest in it, our region comes to the end of 2023 with obstacles overcome and goals met due to the innovation and creativity of its people.
This year, like every year, the World Bank has shared in the region's development, keeping abreast of worthwhile projects and stories. The Seven outstanding initiatives of 2023 outlined below show how #WeTakeAction in a region that does not stand still, but one that is constantly transforming:
1. First steps of a historic agreement for Latin America and the Caribbean: In 2023, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) jointly introduced a flagship agreement to work toward transforming education systems through digitalization, promoting sustainable development in the Amazon and climate resilience in the Caribbean. The first step in this agreement? A political commitment to improve the education of 3.5 million students by providing support to 350,000 teachers in 12,000 schools in 16 countries in the region.
Video in Spanish