A More Equal, Prosperous, Peaceful, and Just World

August 6, 2013


Post-2015 Development Agenda

A Post-2015 UN Development Agenda is currently being developed with the aim to reach year 2030 in a world that is more equal, more prosperous, more peaceful and just.

To this end, a “global conversation” on the Post 2015 Agenda is carried out through national consultations in around 100 countries, 6 regional consultations and 11 global thematic consultations. Conceptually, the consultations strategy is to reach as many people as possible, especially vulnerable and marginalized groups, and to provide the setting for everybody to articulate their expectations in terms of development for post 2015.

In Romania, the national post 2015 inter-ministerial consultations are coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Additionally, the UN Country Team has launched an online questionnaire on a dedicated website (http://chestionar.un.ro/) to enable the civil society and the general public to voice their priorities in terms of development for post 2015.

The analysis of the questionnaire responses together with the input from three planned thematic workshops on inequality, governance and environment sustainability will be included in a final report.

The report will represent the civil society perspective on the post 2015 Development Agenda and will feed into the national inter-ministerial consultations.

In this context, you are warmly invited to join in this effort by completing the online questionnaire and disseminating it through your available networks, by 31 August.

Follow the link.

