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World Water Day - Spotlight on Europe and Central Asia

March 21, 2013


Clean water remains one of the lacking resources in parts of Europe and Central Asia.

  • Nearly three quarters of a billion people do not have access to clean water today.
  • World Water Day this year shines the spotlight on water cooperation – where the increasing pressure from changing world climate can be leveraged to stimulate more cooperation on water issues.

Mar. 21, 2013 – From the moment you wake up till you go to bed, there is one essential natural resource we use and give little thought to on a daily basis – water.

Nearly three quarters of the earth is covered by water. In fact, it makes up two thirds of the human body. Water is connected to everything we do and anything we consume every day.

On World Water Day this year, 85 percent of the world’s population lives in the driest half of the land, 783 million people do not have access to clean water, and 2.5 billion do not have access to adequate sanitation. The economic and health effects will be exacerbated by climate change and its effects on water ecosystems.

In Europe and Central Asia, issues surrounding water are varied – from clean, drinking water to uninterrupted supply through taps and pipelines, sewage management, and hydro energy among others. A sampling of stories highlights these issues and how The World Bank Group is working with countries in the region to alleviate those problems.

1) Clean, uninterrupted water supply in Armenia

2) Clean drinking water helps people in the Kyrgyz Republic

3) Getting clean water in Belarus

4) What happens in your toilet ends up where?

5) "Toilet Stories"

6) Running water - a huge relief for Georgian villages

7) Empowering Romania’s Roma in villages

