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Female Labor Force Participation: Drivers and Policy Options

December 6, 2024

Washington, D.C.

SARCE_Call for papers_Female labor force participation

The Office of the Chief Economist for the South Asia Region of the World Bank, in collaboration with the Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP), a leading think-tank of South Asia, announces the competitive call for papers and participation of the conference on “Female Labor Force Participation: Drivers and Policy Options” to be jointly organized by CSEP and the World Bank Group on December 6, 2024, at the World Bank premises in Washington, D.C., USA.

  • The guiding theme of the conference is to identify reasons for low female labor force participation in South Asia and policy options to address them. The core objective of this event is to promote exchanges among policy-makers, academics, policy advocates, researchers, and young economists, especially those living in South Asia, on the back of high-quality, evidence-based, policy-relevant economic research on the said topic. The sessions will feature paper presentations, a keynote lecture, and a high-level policy panel.

    South Asia’s female labor force participation today remains among the lowest in the world: more than 400 million working-age women in the region are outside of the labor force, which constitutes a significant output loss. Potential female labor market entrants face barriers to both labor demand and supply as well as labor market frictions. Options to increase female labor force participation potentially include faster job creation in the nonagricultural sector, more rigorous implementation of gender-equal laws, and the removal of disincentives to women working outside the home. These measures are likely to be more effective if accompanied by a shift towards social norms that look more favorably on female employment.


    Papers should be relevant to the following:

    • What is the role of demand-side barriers? This could include macroeconomic factors, such as lack of demand for labor, as well as gender-specific factors, such as hiring discrimination, workplace safety, and job amenities.
    • How can trade integration, urbanization, and structural transformation be harnessed to pull women into the labor market?
    • What is the role of supply-side barriers – such as household constraints, safety, and childcare – in restricting mobility and preventing women from entering the labor market?
    • How do labor market frictions – lack of access to information or networks – prevent women from entering labor markets?
    • How do laws, social norms, and behavioral biases interact with labor demand and supply?
    • Which policies can lift the demand, supply, intermediation, and legal barriers to women’s employment?
  • Format of the Abstract

    We invite submissions of extended abstracts of 2-3 pages (that will include the objectives, the research questions, a brief description of the methodology, and preliminary findings) or completed papers.

    Submission of the Abstract

    Please submit your paper to

    Submission Guidelines

    • Submissions should be made in .doc, .docx or .pdf file formats
    • The subject line should include the text “SARCE Conference 2024 Submission: [NAME OF CORRESPONDING AUTHOR, PAPER TITLE]”
    • The body of the email should clearly indicate the names of the authors, and have the contact information of the corresponding author


  • Maurizio Bussolo


    Shishir Gupta

    SENIOR FELLOW, Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP)

    Margaret Triyana


    Amaresh Dubey

    Visiting Senior Fellow, Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP)

    Jonah Rexer


    Neethi Rao

    Fellow, Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP)


  • Abstract submission deadline: August 31, 2024
  • Selection of abstracts: September 20, 2024
  • Conference date: December 6, 2024
  • VENUE: World Bank HQ, Washington, D.C.
  • CONTACT: Office of the Chief Economist in South Asia 