Co-organized by Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO) and World Bank
The IDE-JETRO and the World Bank jointly hosted a seminar on “Africa’s Economic Transformation and the Role of Private Sector” in Tokyo on Friday, 23 August 2024, on the occasion of the TICAD Ministerial Meeting, which is held one year before the 9th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 9) in Yokohama in August 2025.
This seminar is a TICAD Ministerial Meeting 2024 and TICAD 9 Partner Project.
- on-site participation
World Bank Tokyo Development Learning Center
14th floor, Fukoku Seimei Building, 2-2-2 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo - online participation
Chair Koichi Omori, Senior External Affairs Officer, World Bank Tokyo Office
Opening Remarks
Mayumi Murayama, Executive Vice President, IDE-JETRO
Keynote Speech
Andrew Dabalen, Chief Economist for Africa, World Bank
Presentation material: Africa's Pulse - an analysis of issues shaping Africa's economic future (PDF)
Takahiro Fukunishi, Deputy Director General, Research Promotion Department, IDE-JETRO
Takao Seki, Senior Director for Global Strategy (Africa), Planning Department, JETRO
Q&A and Discussion
moderated Chizuko Sato, Director, African Studies Group, Area Studies Center, IDE-JETRO
*There will be a networking session after the seminar at the venue.
- DATE/TIME: 4:30pm-6pm, Friday, August 23, 2024 (JST) *A networking session at the venue will be held after the seminar.
- FORMAT: Hybrid (pre-registration required for both online and in-person participation)
- Language: English and Japanese with simultaneous interpretation.
- CONTACT: Koichi Omori, World Bank Tokyo Office