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IDA in Focus: Understanding IDA

February 07-December 31, 2024
The World Bank

As the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) enters a key replenishment year, collaboration and partnerships will be more important than ever to IDA’s work to end poverty on a livable planet. “IDA in Focus” is a new series of webinars designed to deepen partner understanding of IDA’s model and how IDA-financed projects work in different sectors. 

June 25, 2024: For countries most in need, IDA continues to be key to provide health care to the poorest people. Learn more about IDA investments in essential health interventions to create resilient health systems in this session led by Monique Vledder, head of the global health unit at the World Bank.

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  • Meriem Gray
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    Tel : + 1 202-473-7870
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