AIC Decisions on Appeals

97. Case No. AI9133: Data and questionnaires about Afghanistan Private Sector Rapid Surveys (2021, 2022, and 2023) (Decision dated July 12, 2024).

96. Case No. AI8644: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Co-Benefits by Sector for all IBRD/IDA Project (Investment, DPF & PforR) from 2002 to the present (Decision dated September 13, 2023).

95.  Case No. AI8036: Bank Guidance on Environmental, Forest and Other Natural Resource Aspects of Development Policy Financing (Decision dated April 27, 2023)

94. Case No. AI8100: Technical Note: Use of Military Forces to Assist in Covid-19 Operations (Decision dated March 13, 2023).

93. Case No. AI8318: Operations Manuals for 360 Projects (Decision dated January 19, 2023).

92. Case No. AI7768: MDB Climate Finance Accounting related information (Decision dated April 27, 2022).

91. Case No. AI7801:  Audit Indicators (December 13, 2021).

90. Case No. AI7706:  Audit Indicators (December 13, 2021).

89. Case No. AI7561: SOGI Country Profiles (Decision dated November 15, 2021).

88. Case No. AI7243:  Sierra Leone Documents Concerning the Contract for Audit Services (November 3, 2021)

87. Case No. AI7181: Famine Action Mechanism (Decision dated November 3, 2021)

86. Case No. AI7274: Prior Actions DPF/Climate Finance and Climate Co-Benefits (Decision dated July 26, 2021)

85. Case Number AI7218: Climate Change Prior Action Dashboard (CPAD) (Decision dated July 26, 2021)

84. Case No. AI7115: Institutional Review Board (IRB) (Decision dated July 2, 2021), second decision.

83. Case No. AI7461: Sierra Leone Procurement Contract (Decision dated May 26, 2021).

82. Case No. AI7336: Mozambique – Cyclone Idai and Kenneth Emergency Recovery and Resilience Project (P171040) procurement information (Decision dated May 26, 2021).

81. Case No. AI7128: Systematic Tracking of Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) (Decision dated April 21, 2021)

80. Case No. AI7146: DRC Ebola Audit and Evaluation Documents (Decision dated January 27, 2021)

79. Case No. AI7157: Cameroon Transport Project (Decision dated December 3, 2020)

78. Case No. AI7183: West and Central Africa Air Transport Project (P083751) (Decision dated November 24, 2020)

77. Case No. AI6929: Kenya Supplier Contracts (Decision dated November 24, 2020)

76. Case No. AI6359: Lithuania Lease Tender (Decision dated November 18, 2020)

75. Case No. AI7115: Institutional Review Board (IRB)  (Decision dated October 22, 2020)

74. Case No. AI6723: Full Name of Task Team Leaders (Decision dated July 29, 2020)

73. Case No. AI6479: Tanzanian Statistics Act (Decision dated July 29, 2020)

72. Case No. AI6799: Historical Monthly Loan Disbursements (Decision dated July 10, 2020)

71. Case No. AI6310: Project Preparation and Supervision Costs for all IDA and IBRD projects (Decision dated November 19, 2019)

70. Case No. AI5946: Amaravati Report (Decision dated May 8, 2019)

69. Case No. AI5767: List of Projects Supported by the Africa Climate Business Plan (ACBP) (Decision dated March 21, 2019)

68. Case No. AI5950: AMS 6.21A, Information Classification and Control Policy (Decision dated January 23, 2019)

67. Case No. AI5823: Sexual Harassment Survey Data (Decision dated December 3, 2018)

66. Case No. AI5255-A: Bangladesh Safety Net Systems for the Poorest Project, Project ID P132634 (dated May 11, 2018)

65. Case No. AI5257: Sustainable Forests & Livelihoods (SUFAL) Project – Bangladesh Project ID P161996 (dated April 25, 2018)

64. Case No. AI5197: CBI Report (Decision dated April 6, 2018)

63. Case No. AI4955: Documents regarding the proposing, development and release of a video on Alberta’s Climate Change Plan (Decision dated October 18, 2017)

62.  Case No. AI5009: Terms of Reference for the Bank’s due diligence report/the independent assessment of the Land Pooling Scheme related to the Amaravati Sustainable Capital City Development Project (Decision dated July 7, 2017)

61.  Case No. AI4813: Certain Information Related to the Streamlining of the Procedures for the Disclosure of Board Records  (Decision dated May 31, 2017)

60.  Case No. AI4459: Country Policy and Institutional Dataset (Decision dated April 5, 2017)

59. Case No. AI4218: McNamara records related to China (Decision dated April 5, 2017)

58. Case No. AI4406: Audited Financial Statement for Forest and Nature Conservation Project, Democratic Republic of Congo (Decision dated February 9, 2017)

57. Case No. AI4674: Certain Information related to the Accelerating Sustainable Private Investment in renewable Energy Project (Decision dated February 9, 2017)

56. Cases No. AI4498 and AI4525: Certain Information related to Empowerment and Livehood “Nuton Jibon” Project in Bangladesh  (Decision dated February 9, 2017)

55. Case No. AI4148 (second appeal): Certain information related to the Empowerment and Livelihood Improvement “Nuton Jibon” Project (Decision dated January 12, 2017)

54. Case No. AI4523: Certain information related to the Bangladesh Second Reaching Out of School Children Project (Decision dated January 12, 2017)

53. Case No. AI4530: Salary Scales of World Bank Employees (Decision dated December 1, 2016)

52. Case No. AI4495: Certain Information Related to the Safe Migration for Bangladeshi Workers Project (Decision dated December 1, 2016)

51. Case No. AI4496: Certain Information Related to the Vietnam Sustainable Agriculture Transformation Project (Decision dated December 1, 2016)

50. Case No. AI4381: Certain Information Related to the Empowerment and Livelihood Improvement “Nuton Jibon” Project (Decision dated November 16, 2016)

49. Case No. AI4428: Certain Information Related to the Myanmar Agriculture Development Support Project (Decision dated November 16, 2016)

48. Case No. AI4431: Certain Information Related to the Income Support Project for the Poorest (Decision dated October 20, 2016)

47. Case Nos. AI4300 and 4409: Certain Information Related to the Empowerment and Livelihood Improvement “Nuton Jibon” Project (Decision dated October 20, 2016)

46. Case No. AI2258: Board Transcript of November 23, 1951 (Decision dated June 16, 2016)

45. Case No. AI4148 (first appeal): Certain Information Related to the Empowerment and Livelihood Improvement “Nuton Jibon” Project (Decision dated June 16, 2016)

44. Case No. AI4191: International Income Distribution Data Set (Decision dated May 20, 2016)

43. Case No. AI3982: Information Related to Nigeria Stolen Asset Recovery (Decision dated April 20, 2016)

42. Case No. AI4131: Transcript of IBRD/IDA Board Meeting of March 16, 1971 (Decision dated March 31, 2016)

41. Case No. AI3892: World Bank Group Procedure on Country Engagement (Decision dated February 23, 2016)

40. Case No. AI3611: Strategic Staffing Update Papers (Decision dated August 19, 2015)

39. Case No. AI3634: World Bank’s Review of the Procurement Process for the Dewatering of the Tamnava West Field Mine in Serbia (Decision dated July 14, 2015)

38. Case No. AI3613: Documents of the Task Force on Private Foreign Investment of the Joint Development Committee of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (Decision dated May 21, 2015)

37. Case No. AI3560: Ethiopia Voluntary Resettlement Program, Diagnostic Mission, June 10 to 22 2004: Aide Memoire (Decision dated February 26, 2015)

36. Case No. AI3487: Internal Bank memo to files from A.S.G. Hoar on Anglo-Iranian Oil, November 23, 1951 (Decision dated February 26, 2015)

35. Case No. AI3261: Post-Procurement Review Reports and any Summary Post-Procurement Review Report related to Projects in Bangladesh (Decision dated July 17, 2014)

34. Case No. AI3157: Country Portfolio Performance Review for Cambodia (Decision dated July 2, 2014)

33. Case No. AI3271: World Bank-commissioned study: Whittington, D. & Jeuland, M. - (2012) Eastern Nile Strategic Economic Assessment: A Scoping-level Economic Analysis of Multipurpose Dams in the Blue Nile Gorge (Decision dated May 23, 2014)

32. Case No. AI3226: Employee Engagement Reports, surveys, and documents identifying the questions put to bank employees and the aggregate survey results (Decision dated May 7, 2014)

31. Case No. AI2969: Operations Manual for the Oum Er Rbia Sanitation Project in Morocco (Decision dated May 7, 2014)

30. Case No. AI3199: Documents Related to the Bolivia Program-for-Results Operation (P144597) (Decision dated April 23, 2014)

29. Case No. AI3074: Review on Grievance Redress Mechanisms commissioned by the LCR Social Development Network (Decision dated March 28, 2014)

28. Case No. AI3127: Public access requests received by the World Bank In October 2013 and related information (Decision dated March 12, 2014)

27. Case No. AI2701: Information related to Bank Missions to Bolivia since 2012 regarding the National Roads and Airport Infrastructure Project (P122007) (Decision dated November 20, 2013)

26. Case No. AI1856: Information concerning "memorandums of replenishment meetings with the reference number of "IDA/RPL" from IDA-6 to IDA-12 together with discussion papers and technical notes used at replenishment meetings" (Decision dated November 6, 2013)

25. Case No. AI2732: Study done by Mott MacDonald on Cumulative Impacts of Hydropower Projects on Ganga River (Decision dated July 24, 2013)

24. Case No. AI2625: Emission Reduction Payment Agreement (ERPA) for the Kenya Green Belt Movement Project (Decision dated June 19, 2013)

23. Case No. AI2624: Emission Reduction Payment Agreement (ERPA) for the Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project (Decision dated June 19, 2013)

22. Case No. AI2623: Emission Reduction Payment Agreement (ERPA) for the Pico Bonito Sustainable Forests Project (Decision dated June 19, 2013)

21. Case No. AI2359: Certain Corporate Procurement Information Concerning the Consulting Project (Selection #1061565, BEEPS V Turkey) (Decision dated June 19, 2013)

20. Case No. AI2605: Audio Recording of a Meeting (Decision dated May 29, 2013)

19. Case No. AI1362: Turkey Emergency Flood and Earthquake Recovery Project (Decision dated July 12, 2012)

18. Case No. AI1627: Cost Recovery Report regarding sanitation in India (Decision dated May 30, 2012)

17. Case No. AI1437: Freedom of Information Draft Law in Egypt (Decision dated May 16, 2012)

16. Case No. AI1473: ISRS for India Mumbai Urban Transport Project (Decision dated May 16, 2012)

15. Case No. AI0265: World Bank Oversight Mechanism Evaluation Terms of Reference and/or Progress Report (Decision dated May 2, 2012)

14. Case No. AI1389: Corridor Performance Measurement Data Under TTFPM Central Asia Program (Draft Report) (Decision dated February 22, 2012)

13. Case No. AI1170: Statements of Executive Directors regarding Country Assistance Strategies between 1997 and 2001 (Decision dated December 14, 2011)

12. Case No. AI0708: Project Documents for Project “ZA: PPIAF – Regulatory Framework for IPPS” (Decision dated November 21, 2011)

11. Case No. AI0963: Financial Disclosure Records of an Individual World Bank Staff Member (Decision dated July 29, 2011)

10. Case Nos. AI0652 AND AI0834: Draft World Bank Reports and Communications between the World Bank and the Government of Swaziland (Decision dated July 29, 2011)

9. Case No. AI0876: Loan Agreement for ESKOM Investment Support Project (Decision dated July 13, 2011)

8. Case No. AI0773: The Imataca Forest Reserve and Environs: Issues in Resource Planning, Public Participation and Sustainable Management, August 1999 (Decision dated July 13, 2011)

7. Case No. AI0732: Implementation of the World Bank's Indigenous Peoples Policy: A Portfolio Review (Decision dated April 28, 2011)

6. Case No. AI0336: Documents related to the Education and Training Sector Improvement Program in Namibia (Decision dated March 25, 2011)

5. Case No. AI0495: Mexico: An Evaluation of the Economic Value of Water (Decision dated March 1, 2011)

4. Case No. AI0287: Records related to the History, Architecture and Use of World Bank Buildings in the Washington DC Area between 1945 and 1979 (Decision dated December 21, 2010)

3. Case No. AI0294: Attachments to the Access to Information Staff Handbook (Decision dated October 27, 2010)

2. Case No. AI0262: IBRD/IDA Integrated Risk Monitoring Report (Decision dated October 19, 2010)

1. Case No. AI0199: Documents relating to the Rampur Hydropower Project in India (Decision dated August 25, 2010)
