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The World Bank
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Washington, DC 20433

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Medical Insurance Options for STC/STTs and the Limited Medical Expense Program


This page lists medical insurance options for short-term consultants/short-term temporaries (STC/STTs), who are not eligible to participate in the World Bank Group Medical Insurance Plan, except as covered family members for medical plans of MIP-eligible staff, or if participants in the Retiree MIP based on prior MIP-eligible service.


STC/STTs on operational travel outside of their resident country are covered under a limited medical expense program. STC/STTs are also covered under the World Bank Group Workers' Compensation Program.




Action by Staff


If you have existing medical insurance (outside MIP) that can be used while living in the U.S., extend that coverage, otherwise, proceed to Step 2.


You may be able to supplement your existing coverage or purchase new coverage.

Review the websites of major insurance companies. Among the most popular and largest are:


Each insurer offers many different plans with different premium structures and coverage levels.