China Quarterly Update - April 2012

April 12, 2012


  • The Chinese economy is in the midst of a gradual slowdown due to the combined impact of a weaker global economic environment and tighter domestic policies. 
  • The prospects for a soft landing remain high, with growth expected at 8.2 percent in 2012 and 8.6 percent in 2013.
  • The ongoing slowdown is partly welcome to the extent that it reflects a deceleration in growth from above-potential in a context where potential growth itself is gradually slowing.
  • The overriding near-term policy priority is to facilitate the gradual slowdown, while guarding against downside risks which remain elevated.
  • The longer-term policy challenge is to reinvigorate growth in the face of the projected structural slowdown and to rebalance the patterns of development. 
  • Through commitment to the structural reform agenda laid out in the 12th Five-Year Plan, China can lay the foundations for sustainable long-term development.


  • Slow growth in the Euro area and sluggish recovery in the US limited the contribution of next exports, as exports decelerated more rapidly than imports.
  • Tighter domestic policy conditions dampened investment – particularly in infrastructure and real estate.
  • Consumption growth remained robust as consumer confidence was sustained and household income continued to grow rapidly.
  • Inflation has been on a declining trend, with food price inflation receding as one-off factor faded and nonfood price inflation easing as global and domestic conditions weakened.
  • The balance of payments softened, with the trade balance falling into deficit early 2012 as manufacturing exports slowed while commodity prices remained high.


  • Cyclical weakness is expected to dominate the near-term outlook, with growth projected at 8.2 percent in 2012 and 8.6 percent in 2013.
  • Domestic demand would contribute 8.4 percentage points to growth in 2012 as consumption slows slightly and investment decelerates rather sharply.
  • As world trade is anticipated to remain weak, external demand would subtract some 0.3 percentage points from growth in 2012.
  • Significant price adjustment – both absolute and relative – is in the pipeline for 2012, with inflation expected to trend downwards to 3.2 percent, the external terms of trade likely to improve and the pace of currency appreciation anticipated to slow. 
  • China’s current account surplus is projected to increase slightly to 3 percent in 2012 and 3.3 percent in 2013, with foreign reserve accumulation expected to moderate.
  • While our central projection remains for a gradual slowdown, downside risks remain elevated and center on the strength of the recovery in high-income countries and the ongoing adjustment in domestic property markets.
  • The longer-term outlook will depend on how China manages key structural challenges.
  • As the traditional growth drivers gradually fade, , China is expected to see slower growth.
  • In addition, the welcome efforts to rebalance the economy should also alter the pattern of growth and improve its quality.
  • These trends would play out gradually over time, with illustrative scenarios showing growth decelerating from recent rates of 10 percent to about 5 percent in around 20 years time.


  • The overriding policy challenge for the near term is to facilitate a soft landing. 
  • While the prospects for such an outcome remain high, there is concern is that growth slows too quickly.
  • However, sufficient policy space should exist to respond to downside risks. 
  • The burden of any countercyclical response should primarily fall on fiscal policy, with adjustments welcome as well to the stance of monetary policy. 
  • The policy response would need to be carefully crafted, keeping in mind longer-term effects and objectives.
  • Fiscal measures to support consumption would attract first priority (such as targeted tax cuts, social welfare spending and other social expenditures).
  • Reserve requirements could be tweaked further to ease the availability of credit, with policy rate action best reserved for downside scenarios given already accommodative rates.
  • Ongoing administrative efforts have been helpful in cooling the property markets, but would preferably be substituted eventually by market-based measures that raise the cost of capital and expand the range of investment opportunities.
  • The policy challenge for the longer term is to continue steering the Chinese economy towards a more sustainable growth path. 
  • Given the anticipated structural slowdown, this would involve reinvigorating the underlying fundamentals for growth to secure healthy per capita income growth.
  • Addressing the imbalances would involve sustaining the ongoing shift of focus from the rate of growth to the quality of development.
  • New efforts can help China sustain its competitive advantage by progressively shifting from low cost to higher value supported by innovation.
  • New approaches can also help sustain poverty alleviation as the rate of poverty reduction becomes steadily less sensitive to economic growth.
  • Similarly, new strategies can help ‘green’ growth and protect the environment. 
  • With the 12th Five Year Plan laying out a comprehensive agenda of structural reform, what will matter most now is the commitment to reform and implementation.

