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The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Initiative

AU-UN IST/ Stuart Price

The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Initiative (HDPI) is a joint effort by the United Nations and the World Bank Group—two institutions with distinct yet complementary roles—to work together in new ways across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus in countries affected by fragility, conflict and violence.

Responding to complex risks in complementary ways

The initiative builds on growing recognition that humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding efforts are complementary and need to reinforce each other, to respond to volatile situations around the world. Although humanitarian crises demand urgent response, the international community has called on development institutions like the World Bank Group (WBG) to provide longer-term, socio-economic solutions, engaging earlier to prevent violent conflict and reduce humanitarian need. This initiative is a priority for the WBG as a way to tackle the challenge of fragility and forced displacement through collective action.


Collaborating to deliver a comprehensive response

Under the HDPI, the UN and Bank will identify collective outcomes and deliver comprehensive and integrated responses to countries at risk-, in protracted crisis and post-crisis situations. This includes sharing data, joint analysis and assessment of

needs, as well as aligned multi-year planning across peace, humanitarian and development operations, which are critical to enable collaboration in these countries.


Operationalizing in 7 countries

The initiative will be implemented in about seven countries with the support of the UN-WB Fragility and Conflict Partnership Trust Fund, which has allocated approximately US$ 4 million to be committed by June 2017. Based on proposals submitted jointly by UN and WB country representatives, work will begin in the following countries:

Cameroon: Focuses on subnational conflict, and prevention of its spill-over to other regions of the country and across borders. Aims to establish the mechanism required to improve coherence and coordination of UN-WB support to recovery and peace consolidation

Somalia: Addresses protracted conflict. Seeks to strengthen existing coordination platforms created under the New Deal (Somalia Development and Reconstruction Facility, Humanitarian-Development transition, Security Six) to support the National Development Plan

Yemen: Engages during active conflict. Aims to establish a platform to identify collective outcomes among humanitarian, development and peace actors, and to collect and share data to contribute toward a common understanding of risks, needs, gaps, opportunities for joint analysis, operations, and advocacy

Sudan: Addresses forced displacement. Aims to provide better-informed durable solutions for Internally Displaced Persons through stronger quantitative data on their poverty characteristics. Results will inform joint strategy and planning, with recommendations for UN agencies, World Bank, the government and development partners.


Sharing lessons to inform future efforts

These efforts will serve to strengthen or establish sustainable humanitarian-development-peace nexus platforms or mechanisms that are country-led and country–owned, based on a review of lessons learned and good practices of existing platforms and stakeholders. These include affected populations, multilateral and bilateral partners, multi-lateral development banks, peace and security actors, humanitarian and civil society organizations, and the private sector.

Progress in each country will be tracked closely so that results and lessons learned can inform efforts to adjust, replicate, scale up, and mainstream this “New Way of Working.”

The HDPI emerges from a commitment made at the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016 to carry out country level pilots on operationalizing the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. It responds to calls for the UN and WBG to strengthen collaboration to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions on Sustaining Peace; and commitments made by the World Bank Group as part of the 18th replenishment of the International Development Association (IDA18), the Bank’s fund for the poorest. 

Last Updated: Mar 03, 2017
