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South-South Knowledge Exchange

April 9, 2014

South-South cooperation and South-South Knowledge Exchange connects policy makers and development practitioners within and across countries to learn from each others' experiences and to identify workable development solutions and policies. 

This type of cooperation is also growing in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region of the World Bank as countries seek the lessons coming out of similar development contexts and others want to learn from the region's success stories. To better address this growing trend South-South Knowledge Exchange is embedded in lending projects and knowledge programs as part of the suite of financial, knowledge, and convening services the Bank's offers to its clients. 

The LAC Region is integrating knowledge exchange  in Country and Sector strategies, and monitoring and reporting activities in a regional database. The Region also supports the capacity development of country-based knowledge hubs and finances exchanges through the WBI South South Facility.  

This database provides information about exchanges supported by the World Bank in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region.  The information is organized by objective of the exchange, knowledge providing and receiving country, topic of interest, and results achieved. It also highlights the top knowledge delivering and receiving countries in the Region and the best institutions to deliver that knowledge.  

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View South-South knowledge exchanges by topic:

Agriculture and Rural Development

Climate Change

Disaster Risk Management


Energy and Mining



Governance and Anti-corruption

Health and Other Social Services

Industry and Trade

Information and Communications

Private Sector

Public Administration, Law and Justice


Urban Development

Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection
