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Fintech and the Future of Finance

Technical Notes

Data trends and market perceptions

1. Global Patterns of Fintech Activity and Enabling Factors 
Fintech Activity note takes stock of available fintech-related data, to document patterns of fintech activity across the world, and to help identify enabling factors. 
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2. Global Market Survey: Digital Technology and the Future of Finance Survey 
Fintech Market Participants Survey note discusses findings from the survey whose responses span 330 market participants from 109 countries. 
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Policy issues

3. Fintech and the Digital Transformation of Financial Services: Implications for Market Structure and Public Policy (Market Structure note) draws on the underlying economics of financial services and their industrial organization to examine the implications of digital innovation for market structure and attendant policies, including financial and competition regulation.
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4. Regulation and Supervision of Fintech: Considerations for EMDE Policymakers (Regulation note) aims to provide regulators and supervisors in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs) with high-level guidance on how to approach the regulating and supervising of fintech.
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5. Consumer Protection Implications of Fintech (Consumer Protection note) provides an overview of new manifestations of consumer risks that are significant and cross-cutting across four key fintech products: digital microcredit, P2PL, investment-based crowdfunding, and e-money.
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Specific fintech products

6. Innovation in Payments: Opportunities and Challenges for EMDEs (Payments note) note discusses the most significant innovations in payments and their key impacts and implications on users, banks and other payment service providers, regulators, and the overall structure of the payments market.
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7. Fintech and SME Finance: Expanding Responsible Access (SME note) discusses policy and regulatory approaches that can facilitate access to finance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through digital financial services.
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8. What Does Digital Money Mean for EMDEs? (Digital Money note) categorizes new digital money proposals including crypto-assets, stablecoins, and central bank digital currencies; assesses the supply and demand factors for their adoption; and lays out particular policy challenges for authorities in EMDEs.
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