The Center for Development Data (C4D2) 2019 Summer Training was held from June 10 to 14 at the Bank of Italy’s Centro Donato Menichella (CDM), in Frascati, Rome, Italy. The main topic for the training was “Measuring Consumption Through Household Surveys”.
The course, which adopts a “training of trainers” approach, aims to improve the quality and comparability, both over time and across countries, of household survey data for living standards measurement by further developing capacity of instructors and improve household survey courses for advanced students in the regional statistical training centers. It provides a conceptual framework for the measurement of living standards, and practical guidelines for questionnaire design and data collection, in the specific context of household consumption and expenditure modules.
The program featured a blend of sessions, covering traditional teaching, lectures overviews, presentations from the training centers and seminars by guest speakers. The material that was made available included slides, an instructor’s manual and a set of compulsory and suggested readings per each lecture.
The course was attended by staff from the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Center (EASTC); École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Analyse Économique (ENSAE); École Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Économie Appliquée (ENSEA); Institut Sous-Régional de Statistique et d’Économie Appliquée (ISSEA); Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD); School of Statistics and Planning, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS) of Makerere University; and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). Main course facilitators were from the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Course materials
- Presentations (English version)
- Lecture 1: Measuring living standards: a conceptual framework
- Lecture 2: The consumption aggregate
- Lecture 3: Understanding household surveys
- Lecture 4: Principles of questionnaire design
- Lecture 5: Measuring food consumption: the foundations
- Lecture 6: Measuring food consumption: questionnaire design
- Lecture 7: Food away from home and the use of non-standard units
- Lecture 8: Measuring consumption of non-food non-durable goods
- Lecture 9: Durable goods
- Lecture 10: Housing
- Lecture 11: Data validation and diagnostics
- Lecture 12: Outlier detection and treatment
- Lecture 13: Measuring inequality
- Lecture 14: Measuring poverty
- Lecture 15: Describing data
- Presentations (French version)
- Cours 1: Mesurer le niveau de vie: un cadre conceptuel
- Cours 2: L'Agrégat de la consommation
- Cours 3: Comprendre les Enquêtes auprès des ménages
- Cours 4: Principes de conception du questionnaire
- Cours 5: Mesure de la consummation alimentaire : Les fondamentaux
- Cours 6: Mesurer la Consommation Alimentaire : Conception du questionnaire
- Cours 7: Repas hors du ménage et Utilisation d'unités non-standard pour la mesure de la consommation alimentaire
- Cours 8: Mesure de la consommation de biens non-alimentaires non-durables
- Cours 9: Biens durables
- Cours 10: Logement
- Cours 11: Validation de données et diagnostics
- Cours 12: Détection et traitement des valeurs extrêmes
- Cours 13: Mesure de l’inégalité
- Cours 14: Mesure de la pauvreté
- Cours 15: Description des données