A Year in Reflection
The 2021 Annual Report features a few pieces hoping to distill lessons learned and inspire discussions on future research directions.
Toward a Resilient Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Research
This report focuses on the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of research.

Evidence-Based Solutions for Development Challenges
The 2019 report focuses on evidence-based solutions for development challenges.

This report documents the achievements this year of this multi-donor platform for knowledge generation and sharing.
Analysis for Action
This year the report focuses on the importance of knowledge in economic development.

Capacity Building
As stated in the KCP Charter, the fundamental objective of the Knowledge for Change Program is to promote high-quality, cutting edge research (including data collection in the direct context of research) that creates knowledge to support policies for poverty reduction and sustainable development.

Turning Insight into Impact
In 2013, the World Bank Group (WBG) announced two goals to guide its mission worldwide. The first is the eradication of chronic extreme poverty, with extreme poverty defined as living on less than 1.25 (PPP-adjusted) dollars a day

KCP and the New Bank
Based on the new strategy, the WBG has undergone a substantive reorganization. This will transform the focus and modalities of the WBG’s work and enhance its capacity to deliver development solutions that support the twin goals.

Ending Extreme Poverty Promoting Shared Prosperity
In April 2013, the World Bank Group’s Board of Governors agreed to establish two measurable goals to guide the strategic focus of the World Bank Group’s work.

A World Free of Poverty
Given the increased uncertainty and a possible slowdown in the global economy, this year’s annual report of the Knowledge for Change Program (KCP) is devoted to “Aid Effectiveness.” The reason is that we need to squeeze out as much development impact as possible from every aid dollar in the developing world.

Making Aid Work
Given the increased uncertainty and a possible slowdown in the global economy, this year’s annual report of the Knowledge for Change Program (KCP) is devoted to “Aid Effectiveness.” The reason is that we need to squeeze out as much development impact as possible from every aid dollar in the developing world.

Rethinking Development
The global crisis has actually given us an opportunity not only to identify new areas of research on how to help developing countries cope with the challenges of the crisis and prevent similar crises in the future, but also on how to bring sustainable and inclusive growth to developing countries.

Responding to the Global Economic Crisis
The food, fuel, and financial crises of 2008 dominated attention, including the attention of the World Bank’s research department. With the help of the Knowledge for Change Program, our researchers have responded in assessing the causes of the crises, the likely impacts on poverty and human development, and the appropriate policy responses.
KCP Evaluation Report 2021
This report evaluates fifteen randomly-chosen KCP-funded research projects, roughly 10 percent of 152 research projects completed between 2012 and 2019.
KCP Evaluation Report 2012
This report summarizes evaluations of twenty-five, randomly selected research projects from a total of seventy-five completed since the 2007 evaluation as part of the Knowledge for Change Program.