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Cambodia: SMEs Access to Technology and Innovation


Country: Cambodia

Duration: 2021-2022

Themes: Promoting Technology Adoption to Raise Productivity

Cross Cutting Themes: Gender, Digital

Anticipated Impact Areas: Quality Jobs, Private Investment, Productivity

The Challenge:

In Cambodia, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) face low technology innovation and outdated management practices in products and processes, which deter business revenue growth and productivity. To address these challenges, the Cambodian government has launched various support programs including a COVID-19 economic recovery plan that identifies SME technology adoption and digitalization as a national priority. Analysis and stakeholders consultations have revealed that the programs can be improved and enhanced to facilitate effective impact.

The Mission:

Through a C-JET funded grant being implemented by the World Bank in Cambodia, the government is receiving support on programs and initiatives aimed at COVID-19 economic recovery and accelerating digital technology adoption among SMEs. This includes data reviews, stakeholder consultations to assess the demand and supply of digital services and solutions for SMEs, and the dissemination of recommendations and technical knowledge products. Through these activities and more, this grant aims to help enable SMEs technology advancement to support a more dynamic and productive private sector that can produce jobs and foster resilient economic growth.