WASHINGTON, June 13, 2017— The World Bank Group (WBG) endorsed today the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Guinea‐Bissau 2018-2021, which will be the first full country strategy since 1997.
“The long‐term objective of the World Bank Group’s engagement is to help Guinea‐Bissau meet our twin goals of sustainable poverty reduction and shared
“The CPF proposes a selective and flexible WBG program. The focus areas of the program will be on increased access to quality basic services and expanded economic opportunities and enhanced resilience to shocks. As Guinea‐Bissau is a fragile country, the WBG will need to address implementation challenges in innovative and strategic ways. It will focus on improving services and economic opportunities in areas outside the capital (rural areas and secondary cities), while solidifying existing WBG financed investments in the capital city, Bissau,” said Kristina Svensson, World Bank Resident Representative.
The World Bank Group will also seek to create incentives for change using result‐based instruments to strengthen
“Our institution will have a stronger in‐country presence allowing for more effective WBG collaboration and development partner coordination, including with United Nations agencies,” said Cord.
The new CPF has benefited from the findings of the 2016 Systematic Country Diagnostic and the 2015 Fragility Assessment. It also reflects feedback from consultations with the Government, private sector, civil society, and development partners.
The CPF supports the national development plan, Terra Ranka (Fresh Start), which was developed by the Government elected in 2014. Under the 18th replenishment of International Development Association resources (IDA 18), the national allocation for Guinea‐Bissau is expected to almost double compared to the allocation for IDA 17 which was $42 million.