MANILA, January 17, 2012—The World Bank supports the Government of the Philippines in implementing World Bank-financed projects and achieving project development objectives. The Bank has rigorous processes for monitoring the management and use of project funds for intended purposes with due regard to economy and efficiency. This monitoring includes routine implementation review missions to help the Government assess the progress of implementation, review achievements against project development objectives, identify implementation issues, and agree on next steps.
The Aide Memoire is a project monitoring and management tool that captures the World Bank's implementation review findings and recommendations. Through the Aide Memoire, the Bank informs the appropriate country authorities and works with them to address implementation issues. Given the deliberative nature of information, the Aide Memoire is usually not disclosed to the public.
Between October 24 and November 12, 2011, the World Bank conducted an implementation support mission for the Judicial Reform Support Project (JRSP). The mission discussed the preliminary findings and recommendations with the implementing agency and on December 28, 2011, submitted the Aide Memoire to the implementing agency and copied oversight agencies, in accordance with the regular procedures. The Aide Memoire summarized the findings and recommendations of the mission, pointing out implementation issues that included some ineligible expenditures. The project is scheduled to close on June 30, 2012 and the focus for the remaining period is to bring the project to a closure.
A World Bank loan of US$21.9 million to support the Philippine Government’s Action Program for Judicial Reform was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on October 2, 2003. The project (Judicial Reform Support Project) was intended to assist the Philippine Government in developing a more effective and accessible Judiciary that would foster public trust and confidence, through the implementation of reforms under four components comprising: (a) improving case adjudication and access to justice; (b) enhancing institutional integrity; (c) strengthening institutional capacity; and (d) supporting the reforms of the judicial system and the Project Management Office.