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LOANS & CREDITS May 17, 2019

Lesotho Lowlands Water Development Project - Phase II

IDA Credit: US $78 million equivalent, comprising a credit of US $30 million equivalent and a Scale-up Facility of US $48 million equivalent

Credit Maturity: 30 years Grace: 5 years

Scale-up Facility Maturity: 34.5 years Grace: 5 years

Project ID: P160672

Project Description: The project will increase water availability and access to improved water supply services in two priority zones and improve technical and financial performance of the Water and Sewerage Company of Lesotho (WASCO). The project will support implementation of the second phase of the Lowlands Bulk  Water Supply Scheme (LLBWS) to address water security challenges in high water demand Zones 2 and 3 of the Scheme.
