WASHINGTON, June 23, 2017 - The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors today approved the Livestock Sector Development Project for Uzbekistan.
IBRD loan: US$ 30 million
IDA credit: US$ 120 million
Terms ID: Maturity = 38 years; Grace = 6 years
Terms ID: Maturity = 20 years; Grace = 5 years
Project ID: P153613
Project description: The World Bank will support Uzbekistan in improving its livestock productivity and access to markets in selected regions of the country. The newly approved Livestock Sector Development project will work with primarily smallholder farmers, private farms and firms working in the sector’s production and processing.
The project aims at improving capacity and bringing modern technologies and husbandry practices, better access to animal health and advisory services and improved disease control, food safety and quality of animal products. The project will give priority to investments that promote climate resilience and emission reduction such as climate-smart technologies and practices and renewable energy supply (bio and solar energy) systems.
Find out more: https://projects.worldbank.org/P153613?lang=en