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Kyrgyz Republic - Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Project (Additional Financing)

June 22, 2017

WASHINGTON, June 22, 2017 - The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors today approved:

Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Project (Additional Financing)

IDA credit: US$ 19.8 million  

IDA grant: US$ 16.2 million

Terms ID: Maturity = 38 years; Grace = 6 years

Project ID: P162840

Project Description: The original Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Project (US$ 23.5 million equivalent) was approved by the Board on September 30, 2016. Considering significant sector investment needs in excess of US$ 600 million, a programmatic framework was developed to allow activities to be readily scaled-up and replicated, were additional financing to become available.

The original Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Project and Additional Financing will form the bank-bone of the newly created national rural water program “Ala-Too Bulagy”. The World Bank’s funds will support the drive towards sustainable service delivery and create conditions through which other donors / IFIs may readily participate. 

The Additional Financing will be implemented within this context and used to scale-up development effectiveness by expanding the coverage of the program to reach new beneficiaries, and by reinforcing the sector institutional development and reform process, all necessary to achieve sustainability of the rural water sector. 

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