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Lebanon - Roads and Employment Project

February 7, 2017

WASHINGTON, February 6, 2017 - The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved the following project:

Lebanon - Roads and Employment Project

IBRD Loan: US$200 million (non-concessional portion of US$154.6 million, concessional portion of US$45.4 million from the Concessional Financing Facility made on a grant basis)

Loan Maturity: 32.5 years Grace period: 7 years

Project ID: P160223

Project Description: The Program objectives are to improve transport connectivity along select paved road sections and create short-term jobs for Lebanese and Syrians. The project will include the rehabilitation of non-urban sections from all Lebanese regions, particularly in rural areas and lagging regions.

Media Contacts
William Stebbins
Tel : (202) 458-7883

